Bakugou x Reader

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This is set in U.A on your birthday, and B/M means Birthday Month.


Y/N's P.O.V

You've never had anybody to celebrate your birthday with since your parents died when you were young and you were thrown into foster care with a woman who didn't care about you at all.

Therefore you didn't bring your birthday up at all to anyone, nobody asked, and that was a good thing.
You didn't want or need anything.

Only your childhood friend, Katsuki Bakugou. Knew when your birthday was.
B/M.. It's not like he ever cared before, but lately he's been acting strange... his face gets a tint of pink when your around, and a bright red if you ever get close, he hasn't been picking on you at all either.. sure he'll call you names and yell at you. But that's just his personality, from what you know.

- Time skip to your Birthday-

It was just a normal day when you woke up, of course you knew what day it was, but you didn't want to remember..

You sighed and threw your legs over your mountain of covers to get out of bed and you wobbled to the bathroom.
Brushed your teeth.
Brushed your hair, all of that.

After that you got changed into your school uniform, grabbed your backpack and headed to school.

- Time skip to when you arrive to your classroom -
You got there a bit early only seeing a few people, like Izuku, Ochako, Lida.. Sero.. Momo.. and.. Bakugou.
He glanced at you but not with his normal, angry expression, he looked flustered and his bag seemed to be stuffed..
'Weird..' You thought as you walked over to the seat behind him, like usual.

Class was as boring as always, nothing to special, and before you knew it, it was lunch.
And man were you hungry! You didn't even eat breakfast!

You quickly grabbed your bag and sprinted out of class and went ahead of everyone.

As soon as you got too the lunchroom you got extra food and sat down at the table you normally sit at with Izuku, Lida, Ochako and Todoroki.

You began stuffing your face with food as your classmates and other people started to arrive, your friends just giggled at you, but you saw Bakugou with his head down walking to his table avoiding eye contact as your friends sat down.

You continued stuffing your face with food, talking with your friends every now and then, happy that your birthday plan is going by smoothly, Atleast you thought..

At about halfway of you being done with your food, you saw Bakugou stomping over to your table with a bag in his hand. 'This can't be good..' you thought.
He's either going to beat you with that bag or he remembered..

Your thoughts were rudely interrupted when Bakugou slammed this bag down onto the table, little explosions going off as he did so, and as if it couldn't get any worse he yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHITHEAD!"
And with that everyone looked at you, probably wondering why you didn't tell them..

He stuffed the bag in your face but you could see his face was dusted in red from who knows what? Maybe just yelling at the top of his lungs? "OPEN IT!" He shouted, and with that you sheepishly started to open it, yours friends and other people staring at you in the process, but Todoroki was looking at Bakugou almost with.. Jealousy?

Once you got it open you slowly looked inside only to gasp out loud and stuff your hands in the bag to pull out a adorable Llama plushie, you hugged it as tight as you could smiling.
"T-Thanks!" You stuttered looking at Bakugou, it almost looked like.. he was smiling?
"Tch.." he mumbled as he walked away.

Welp.. I guess now everyone knows when your birthday is, but you still loved the gift.


Words: 656

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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