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  John's POV~

"Jack?" My father asks me. "Yeah Dad?" He grabs my hand and gives me a charm bracelet. "This was your mother's bracelet before she died." He tells me. I stare at him as he explains what happened to mom. Since I was only 2 when she died. I never understood her death.

"She told me to give this to you once you find a hard time in your life. Since you're starting middle school today, I would think this is going to be a hard time. I just want you to know, Jack. Don't let others bring you down just because their words got to you or because you're different. Let them build you up, don't show them weakness show them strength. And never forget that I will always love you for who you are." My Dad says.

I hug him and we both cry. Today is my first day of middle school. I have been homeschooled my whole life so I don't have any friends. And since my dad is very protective of me I have to go to a private school. Nice..I guess?

Can you guess why? I have freckles. I was cursed with these freckles. I was one of the 3% in this world who have freckles. Most people think I have some sort of infection or contagious thing, but I don't. I was just born with freckles. If only people could see that.

My father and I get inside the gray car and drive to my new school.

I take a good look at myself in the mirror to see what I look like. I have my auburn hair into a ponytail, but some hairs are sticking out. My light green polo shirt has a turtle on the pocket. I have black skinny jeans on with white sneakers. I guess I look good.

When we get to the school I open my eyes in fear and shock. There are many kids at the school. They are either really huge or really small only a few are "average" height. My dad sighs and pulls me into a hug. I cry softly on his shoulder. We let go and I say goodbye to him one more time before getting out of the car. "Wish me luck" I murmur to myself and I'm going to need it.

Broken Without You~LamsWhere stories live. Discover now