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Jack and arcee entered there shared quarters, Arcee was staring at the ground. Jack looked to his spark mate and sent waves of comfort to her, Arcee looked up into his optics, "It will be alright arcee." he reassured kissing the top of her helm, arcee relaxed and smiled, "I'm just stressed with all that has happened this morning." she sayed as they both lay on the birth snuggling close, "It will be alright today was hard but it will get easier." jack sayed as he rest his chin of her helm closing his eyes, are snuggled into his chest, "I..know." arcee sayed as she slowly closed her optics, entering stasis. Jack smiled as he felt acree fully relax, "Sleep well my love." he sayed as he too entered stasis.'

A few hours later:

jack onlined his otpics, he looked down at his still sleeping sparkmate, he smiled, quickly but quietly slipping out of her arms and exiting her quarters heading for the command center. on his way he ran into optimus, "Oh uh sorry sir." Jack apologise, "It is alright." Otpimus sayed kindly, they both continued there way to the command center, "Did you recharge well?" otpimus asked, Jack nodded, "Yes I did actually." He sayed curtly, optimus nodded as they both entered the control centre to see ratchet still working on his computer console, he turned to them, "Good you're awake." he sayed to jack, "I would like to see your blaster." he sayed pointing to jacks holstered revolver, Jack looked down at it before looking back at racket, He reluctantly upholstered it spring it in the air, and cashing it by the barle, the grip facing rachet, Rachet took it carefully, "That better not have a scratch on it when i get it back." jack sayed sternly, ratchet looked to jack with a raised eyebrow, "I like it." jack sayed shrugging his shoulders, "Right." ratchet sayed scanning the blaster over with his arm scanner, "recharge well tonight hot rod?" A female voice called from behind the three mechs, Jack turned his head and saw his mother Elita standing there, "Yes I did." he ansered, Optimus Turned down one of the halls leading away from the command center, "I will retrieve some energon for you." Optimus sayed over his shoulder to his sparkmate, Elita smiled, "Thank you optimus!" she called after him, as soon as optimus was out of site, ratchet turned to elita, "I believe explanation is in order...Jun" Ratchet sayed glaring his hot pics at her, elitas opticks bulged, "How did you..." she looked to her son who had a neutral look on his face, "You told him!" she glared, Jack nodded, "He needed to know arcee is with sparkling, she needs a doctor." He sayed to his fuming mother, ELita took a deep breath, "Is racist the only one who knows?" she asked calmly, "Yes" jack ansered simply, Elita shook her head, "THats a relief." Rachet began taping his ped inpationtely. "Explanation." ratchet sayed, Eleta sighed "yes ratchet, everything is like I said we arrived here on earth sixteen years ago and because of jack's powers we where able to blend in with the humans." Eleta sayed, Ratchet shook his head, "And why are you not telling anyone this?" HE asked rubbing The bridge of his nose, "Because of megatron finds out than he will be after my son." Elita sayed, "No afens mom but he already is kinda after me." jack sayed, Elita narrowed her eyes at him, "Watch it." she ordered, jack raised his survoyes in the air in 'I surrender' way. ratchet shook his head before turning back to jacks revolver, "Interesting it's as if it's you and not you it seems to be connected to your body just like any other weapon." ratchet sayed as he continued to scan the blaster, once finished he gave it back to jack, who took it all to greadly, "It feels good to have you back my child." Jack sayed to it. Ratchet and elita stared at him with raised optic ridges, Jack just shrugged, "I like it." He Stated. "RRRIght." Elita sayed as optimus came walking in with three energon cubes, he tossed jack a cube and gave elita the other. The sound of small peds on cement came frome the hallway leading to the quarters, arcee's form came to view "Good morning" she greeted, Every one Repeated the welcome, Jack walked to arcee and gave her his energon cube, Arcee Smiled, "Thank you" she sayed as she hungrily drank the cube. "You will need one as well hot rod." ratchet sayed from his console, Arcee looked down at her cube before looking at jack, "It's alright I will just get another." he sayed as he went down the same hallway as otpimus did. Arcee set the now empty cube where other empty cubs where before following her sparkmate, "You shouldn't have given me your cub." she sayed when they where out of audio rang, Jack looked to arcee with aring optics, "You are more important, my Energon levels where higher than yours anyways." Jack sayed, Arcee gave jack a hard look, "Jack I Know you care, but if it stops you from having energon..." Jack cut her off, "Its not arcee, I'm still taking energon... see." he sayed as they entered the energon storage room, he picked up a cub and quickly drained it, "There all better" he sayed as he set the cub to the side, arcee shook her head, "You know what I Mean." she sayed as she hugged him, He hanged back, THey pulled apart enough so they culd look into eachothers optics, "I will do anything to protect you..." He sayed touching her stomach, "..And are sparkling." he sayed smiling, arcee also smiled, They leaned forward there lips melting in the middle starting a pashinot and long kiss together. The door to the storage room opened "I know bee I wa...." Bulkhead Started forward optics wide and mouth open, Bumblebees opticks just as wide. Jack and arcee enedead there kiss, "Scrap." arcee cursed as she and jack separated from themselves and faced a stunned bulkhead and bumblebee. "WHere you two just...Uh" Buckhead stammered, "No!" arcee snapped, "We just hugged I haven't seen my nephew for a long time." She sayed, -But we saw your lips where together- Arcee glared "You don't no what your talking about you just think you saw us kissing." Arcee sayed defensively, "Come on hot rod let's leave these lovebirds to stay in wonderland." arcee sayed to jack, Jack nodded and followed. When they left bulkhead turned to bumblebee, "They where kissing. right?" He asked, Bee shrugged, -I don't know. maybe she's right and we just mistook there hug for kissing- be ansered, bulkhead mull this over, "Ya maybe you're right" he sayed as he picked up a energon cube.

with Arcee and jack:

Jack moved quickly down the hall with arcee close, "That was to close." He sayed, arcee nodded, "Yes, It would appear that we should keep are affection to a minimum when outside are quarters." she said as she smirked up at him, Jack shook his head, "You are one devilish femme, you know that?" he sayed jokingly, Arcee continued to smirk as they entered the command center, "I know." she sayed, Optimus turned to jack as they neared, "There is a energon reading nearby." he sayed, "You and arcee will scout it out." he ordered, "Yes sir." both jack and arcee saied as ratchet activated the ground bridge, arcee turned to jack and smiled, "Lets roll hot shot!" she sayed as she transformed and sped through the bridge. jack smirked and transformed himself, his body twisted and fell as if falling apart before combining into a military class semi truck, Jack Surprised he had a alt mode sat there as his engin rumbled, "Wo sweet ride!" bulkhead sayed as he and bee came into the command center, jack mentally shook his head before smirking and revving his engine, It roared in response, He quickly shift into gear and shot through the bridge after his sparkmate. 

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