Jeff the Killer

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🍋Lemon 🍋
Since you didn't feel like going to school today you faked being sick like you usually would, and your parents bought the act again. "Call if you need anything." Your mom yelled from downstairs as she walked out the door leaving you home alone. You smirked and watched her car pull out of the drive. You got up and ran downstairs. "Right now it's nine in the morning, mom and dad don't get home until five, that gives me eight hours to myself." You mummbled to yourself as you sat on the couch. "I think you did it wrong." You heard a raspy voice say out of no where. "You'd actually be home alone for eight hours with a killer." The voice laughed. A shiver shot up your spine at the sound of his creepy laugh. You looked around to see a boy who was about two years older than, with cuts on his cheeks forming a huge smile, and white as paper skin. You sat there in shock, it was Jeff the Killer, you've read about creepypastas before but never believed they were real. "Y-you're real?" He just laughed at your question. "Of course I am (Y/N). You look so scared." "How do you know my name?" You asked knowing it was a dumb question. "I've watched you for a while now. I was wondering when the next time you were gonna act sick to stay home again." He smirked, making his smile become even wider somehow. He slowly walked up to you. "You know you look so beautiful, almost as beautiful as me." You didn't know how to react to this, you were about to be killed and there was nothing you could do about it; or was there. You got up and ran upstairs, into your room, slammed the door shut and locked it. He wasn't far behind you heard his footsteps coming quickly up there stairs. You looked around for a hiding spot. 'The bed is too cliche, closet is the second best option.' You thought to yourself and went into the closet and hid behind some junk that was piled up.  Jeff started banging on the door with his shoulder. "Come on (y/n) I just wanted to have some fun. I won't hurt you." You found that hard to believe. The door hinges finally gave out and the door slammed open. You covered your mouth and waited. You heard his slow footsteps around the room, they came closer to the closet doors. 'Shit.' You quickly started to panic and look for something to use as a weapon but there was nothing. The doors protecting you slammed open and you were exposed. Jeff pulled you out of the closet as you tried fighting him off, key word is tried. He threw you on the bed and looked you up and down, the smirk returning on his face. "You know, I won't kill you, I'll just have some fun." You noticed his voice was lower than the other times he talked. "W- What do you mean by f- fun?" He slowly got on top of you and pulled off your clothes. Your eyes widened to the unexpected movements. "Don't worry (Y/N), I won't hurt you." He said as he undressed. "Looks like you're ready to have fun." He chuckled. You cussed in your head hating how fast you were turned on. Jeff slowly sucked on your neck leaving hickeys. You let out soft moans and gripped his arms. After covering you're whole neck in hickeys he stood up, pulling you off the bed and pushing you down to your knees. "Suck." You did as he said and took his member in your mouth. You swirled your tongue and tried deep throating him, again key word tried, but gagged. Jeff chuckled. "Virgins are best~." He moaned out. He picked you up and laid you on the bed. "I think you need some teasing." He put your member in his mouth easily deep throating. You gasped at the sudden pleasure you were reciving. You let out more moans and tangled your fingers in his hair. You became close to releasing when he stopped, making you whine a little. Jeff fingered your entrance, you arched your back a little. 'Now I know what he meant by fun.' You thought to yourself as you let out some moans. Jeff chuckled and pulled his fingers out. He took the lube out of your dresser draw and rubbed it on his member. You didn't move or say anything, you laid there panting a little, you actually were enjoying this. Out of no where you feel Jeff's member enter you. You let out a scream of pain. Jeff just chuckled and kissed you, muffling your scream. He slowly thrusted making you twitch and moan. He knew the pain was gone by, he made his thrusts fast and quick. You were a moaning mess within seconds. This went on for another 5 mintues before he came. You had came a little bit before. He pulled out and got dressed. "See I told you. I just wanted to have some fun." He smirked and covered you up. He left a paper on your nightstand before he left, you passed out from exhaustion. Waking up about an hour or two later you looked at the paper. It was his phone number with a wink face. You blushed a little and wondered how you were gonna walk around for the next week or so.

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