Lost Precious

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Taemin's POV:

"Yeobosayo? Who's this?"



Beep beep beep!

The line has been cut off...

"What the heck?!"Taemin said out loud. "that was wierd..."

Taemin looked to his hyung.

He looked depressed.

"Hyung are you okay?" He asked.

Onew just nodded his head.

"What did you have to ask me?" Taemin asked, eager to know what was on his Hyungs mind.

"Nothing Taemin....Just Nothing."


Soon the ride ended and they got off, feeling more awkward toward each other. Taemin was so confused. What happened to Onew?

They walked around in total silence. the only sounds there were, was the chattering of other people and the rides around them.

Taemin couldn't help but feel guilty somehow. He didn't even know what he did wrong this time!

His eyes started tearing up. He kept messing up. Why couldn't he do anything right for once?! he was suppose to be having fun with his Hyung tonight but everything just HAD to be otherwise! It was all his fault.

Taemin looked up only to find that his Hyung wasn't by his side. Taemin panicked. He was so lost in his thoughts, he didn't even notice that he got separated in the crowd of people and lost Onew.

He looked around him in hope he would spot the older but it was no hope.

Suddenly someone grabbed his wrist.

"Hyung!" Taemin yelled in relief, hugging his Hyung who took his wrist.

Only it wasn't his Hyung.

Taemin looked up.







Onew's POV:

Onew thought about it.

Should he really be so upset over a stupid phone call? Sure it ruined his chance but he had other chances where he could confess. surely it wasn't the end of the world for him.

Onew sighed.

"You know what Taemin, I'm sorry, I was just overreacting about something I shouldn't even be. Do you think you could ever forgive me?," Onew asked, taking hold of the person right by him.


Onew quickly let go and apologized, realizing it wasn't his Taemin.

"S-sorry I thought you were someone else."

The lady then ran away to somewhere.

Where the freak was Taemin? Onew could have sworn he was just here, right by his side.

Onew took out his phone and dialed the younger's phone number.

"Sorry, but the person you are calling is not available at this time, please call again later, bye!"

Worry overcame Onew as he listened to the phone operator.

He knew for a fact that Taemin NEVER would not answer his phone.

"Fuck. Something happened to Taemin."

Onew thought of the last place Taemin and him were at.

The Ferris Wheel.

He ran as fast as he could to the destination, accidentally pushing people on his way there.

Taemin was more important.

Onew paled at the sight.

Taemin wasn't there......

"Shit." Onew said under his breath. he took out his phone and called Taemin again. Maybe he would answer this time.

Onew sighed in relief, he answered. Slowely, the relief in Onew faded as he listened to the other line.

"He's. Mine."

Onew stiffened.

Who. The Hell. Took Taemin......?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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