~Chapter 1~

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The video to the right (---->)  is No Good (Attack the Radical) by: Pantera 

I love their music, and have had this song in my head for a while, so heres hoping you guys like it to, unless no one ever reads this, in which case it's just me and the interent......wow that sounds bad....ok anyway...errm heres chapter 1?

*Walks away awkwardly*

~Chapter 1~

Please don't let me die.  Please don't let me die.  PLEASE!  PLEASE!!  PLEASE!!!  I chanted over and over in my head.  I didn't want to die from drowning in an underwater tunnel!  That would be no fun.  If I'm gonna die an early death, it will be something of a much more amusing degree.  And less painful preferably...

Did I mention we were currently driving through an underwater tunnel?  I did?  Oh OK.  Well did I mention that we were STUCK in an underwater tunnel, going a measly one foot per hour?  If that..

Either traffic was that fudging slow, or there was an accident ahead.


We had been "driving" for the past 45 minutes and had barely made any progress.  Hell, I could see the entrance if I craned my head around far enough, looking through the back window of the car.  Doing just that, I peered through said window, but could only see the windshield of a huge pick-up truck behind us.  Ass..I wanted to look through the bitchin' window...

I must have had a pissed off expression on my face, as the driver of the truck, probably a stupid college student, glared at me angrily before flipping me off.


Nobody, and I mean NOBODY gives Jayci Blackmoon the finger when she's already spazzing from being cramped in a tunnel going so slow a turtle could pass her in a flippin heartbeat.  My hand found the window switch thing, and I began rolling it down.

"Jayci, what are you doing?"  Nikki asked, confused.  Shit...I forgot there were other people in the car.

"I, uh, well, you see...uhmm.."  I stuttered, sort of attempting to explain myself.  I stopped rolling down the window, letting it stay only halfway before turning to her.  She had one eyebrow arched and was giving me a what-the-hell-are-you-trying-to-do-this-time look.  I got those a lot..I fidgeted in my seat.

"Welllllllll?"  She pressed.  Instead of answering, I stuck out my tongue at her and turned to again look at the driver behind us.  He was now talking on his cell phone.  That made me even more pissed at him as I glared heavily.  If you are going to talk on a freaking phone while driving, pull the hell over.  And seeing how you can't do that here in this cramped little space, you shouldn't be doing so at all.  Period.

As he met my gaze, he returned the daggers I was sending him with my eyes and snapped his cell shut.  I slowly  began moving my hand to the window switchy thing to roll it down more so I could proceed with my plan, before Nikki caught my wrist, stopping me.  I turned to her, pouting slightly.  She rolled her eyes and gave me a questioning look.

I shrugged giving her a huge pupp-dog eyes and a fake little pout before answering, "I-was-just-trying-to-look-through-the-back-window-but-there-was-that-guy's-truck-there-and-I-couldn't-see-through-it-to-see-the-tunnel-entrance-and-he-must-have-thought-I-was-being-a-creeper-or-something-caz-he-gave-me-a-dirty-look-and-FLIPPED ME OFF!!!!!"  I screeched, before again turning, this time to point out the bastard.

I let out a curse of pain as my finger jammed into the back screen, hard.  I think the nail might've split...

"OWW!!!"  Fudging Helllllll that huuuuurt!!

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