Run away

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Later on during Lunch time...

"I don't know why Victoria would even need these papers! Like why.." Camila said. Camila clutched onto the papers. Opened once more and studied the whole thing. She read the title, "Dismantled Souls", and right under that wrote, "Used for any Humans female or male". Down below that was a picture of a human with disembodied parts and a lot of knives, but everything was very descripted with labels. At the bottom of the paper it said ,"page 12 of 200". "Hey Jacob.. Lucas.. there's more than one page! In fact a whole book of this stuff!" Camila said shockingly. Jacob grabbed the paper searching for any clues. "Where do you think the rest is? What if Victoria has the rest? What does she plan to do with this?" Jacob asked. Lucas didn't say anything and stood there awkwardly. "Lucas? Do you know anything to do with this?" Camila said. Lucas rubbed the back of his neck and still was silent for a moment. "I... well it's personal..." Lucas said shyly. Camila started to lose her patients and so did Jacob. "Well why don't you take your precious time! Not like anybody's gonna have a painful death!" Camila said with frustration. Jacob snickered and Lucas finally opened up. "Victoria and I used to be very good friends until one day.. I um messed up.. but her parents have always been abusive to her. I was her only friend at the time because we lived next to each other and she wasn't allowed to go to school. I think she's lost it.. She wants revenge after so many years of pain and regret. Don't tell her or anybody else that I told you this!" Lucas said. Camila's face brightened like she had a good idea. "Lucas do you two still live next to each other?" Camila said. Lucas was afraid to answer, he saw what was coming. "Okay don't make me stalk her! That's the last thing I want to do before I die because if I get caught she is actually gonna kill me!" Lucas said. Jacob step towards Lucas and put one hand on his shoulder and said, "Then take one for the world, otherwise I'm right behind you." Lucas smiled and brushed off his hand. "Okay fine. I'll do it! Promise me that if I'm in trouble save me!" Lucas said while laughing a bit. They finished lunch and dumped their trays. "Meet up at the end of the day, Kay?" Camila said. Everyone agreed and went off. This time Jacob kept the paper just in case something bad did happen.

End of the school day..

"Oh no.. guys Victoria is waiting right outside!" Camila said. Victoria was hiding and leaning against a tree waiting for their arrival. All three of them looked at each other unknowing of what to do. "I'll go out first you two make a run for Lucas's house and Jacob hold on to that paper! Never let go of it!" Camila said. They went off and Camila casually walked out of the school why they ran out behind her. Victoria marched up towards and grabbed her by the collar. Jacob stopped running and handed the paper to Lucas. "I'm gonna stay and watch Camila just in case. Just go." Jacob said. Lucas was concerned at first, but went off. "Where's the paper Camila?! I need it now!" Victoria said madly. Camila pushed Victoria away and backed up a bit. "I don't have it and you shouldn't have it either Victoria! What's your problem!?" Camila yelled. Victoria ran towards her slapped Camila hard against the face. "You're working for me Camila and I strictly told you NOT to look at that paper, but what did you do eh? You looked at it!" Victoria said. Camila was holding her rage back and tired calmly discussing this out. "Victoria I'm not giving that paper back until you give me a good reason why you need it. That'll take a good one too." Camila said calmly. Victoria started to boil and scream. "JUST GIVE ME BACK THE PAPER! HOW HARD IS THAT TO DO?!" Victoria shouted. Camila turned and ran the other way with Victoria trailing behind her. "YOU CAN'T RUN FOREVER CAMILA!" Victoria said out of breath. Camila met up with Jacob and they ran as fast as they could to Lucas's house. They never turned back and all they hard was a faint screaming getting quieter as they moved on. We reached Lucas's house and ran in. "Lock that door please!" Jacob said.

To be continued..

Hope you guys are enjoying this story so far, I really enjoy writing it and I can't wait to make more! Stay tuned and please follow me so it will motivate me to keep writing stories or fanfictions. Have a lovely day!

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