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My favorite meme

So you and Wyatt huh?


You didn't think to maybe tell me?
Your best friend?

I didn't think you'd care?

Of course I fucking care!

So you're mad at me

Yeah kind of
Two of my best friends start dating and neither of them feel the need to tell me that they like each other

Since when did you care who I liked?


I really don't understand why you're angry
You shouldn't be
Best friends are supposed to be happy for each other if they find someone and you're acting like a jerk

Look I know you like me okay?

Who told you that?

It doesn't matter
What matters is that I know
And I'm pissed that instead of telling me, you go off and date Wyatt as some pathetic way to get over me
Am I right?

Is that what you think this is?
Wow I didn't know you thought so highly of yourself
Finn, did you ever try to consider the possibility that maybe I actually like Wyatt??

That's impossible. You can't like two people at the same time

You know what?
maybe you're right
You're making it really easy rn to only like one

Than which is it ,Becca?
Me or Wyatt?


Yeah I am
You can't be friends with both of us
If you choose Wyatt than you obviously don't need me anymore,so what's the use in sticking around?

I can't believe you
You're willing to end our friendship that easily?

Maybe I am

Than fine
I choose Wyatt
I don't need an asshole like you in my life anyway

Finn wolfhard cannot contact you anymore

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