The dinner that changed everything

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Avian's pov

I was a bit shocked when she agreed to come to my house with me after we had talked, but I wanted to protect her anyway that I could. She didn't resist when I took her hand leading her to my truck, I just hope that she liked it. She always looked so sad, I wouldn't blame her to be honest. So now I wanted to make her happy anyway that I could. Starting with tonight, last night I already had the thought in my head and now I cant believe that its actually happing. I hope that my mother will be on her best behavior with her, I didn't want Victoria to feel uncomfortable when over at my house.

The whole time we were in my truck for the drive she didn't say a single word. So neither did I. We just sad in this somewhat awkward silence. I didn't mind it too much because I didn't have much to say. I never know what to say in situations like this, even though this is my first and only situation I've ever had like this. I kept my eyes glued to the road as I didn't want to do anything that might upset her. When the drive way to my house came into view I heard her let out a sigh. I don't know if it was because she hated being in the car with me or if she gets car sick. There was so much more about her that I had yet to learn, but I intend on learning everything about her. I pulled in and got out first making sure to open the door for her. As I had already planned out before she got in.

"Oh...Thank you." She said as she was climbing out of my truck with a bit of a shock to her voice, I don't think anyone has ever shown her this sort of kindness before and I was thrilled to be the first to do so.

"Are you sure you want to go in?" I replied, tilting my head toward my house as in a gesture. She never answered, just stared up at my house for a long moment before shrugging and nodding her head yes. I took that as a yes anyways. I noticed that she is different from all the other girls that I've ever known and talked too. Usually girls our age like to talk my ear off day and night with no stopping. Yet she never says much, I find it to be quit peaceful in a way. So with that I took her hand gently and led her up to my house opening the door for her as she went in first.

Victoria's pov.

Avian was being especially nice to me today, not that he's mean. But I hate it when people take pity on me as if I can't handle how cruel this world really is. But I decided to take his kindness to my heart. I don't have many people jumping up and down to care for me like he is doing today, so just for once. I'll let someone. His hand felt warm in mine and I kindheartly loved that feeling. His were bigger than mine so his heated my entire hand with a nice warmness that has now raided through my whole body from just the touch of his hand. Looking up at the house that I was stepping into; it was big, but not too big. It looked like those houses in the movies, the ones with history. The ones who have perfect family's and perfect lives living inside of them. There was a huge tree right in front of the house that gave off shade but let in enough sun light so it wouldn't be darkened like my home is. Flowers surrounded the entire house pushing out into the yard, and some had started to snake up the vines that reached up on the outside walls of the house. He had such a beautiful home, I was almost jealous.

Standing in the doorway was a happy smiling woman who was stick thin with blonde hair just like Avian's. Before I could introduce myself to her she had pulled me in a gigantic hug, a hug so big from a small woman, I felt like I was going to be the one to break her.

"You must be the girlfriend I've heard about!" she said to me as she let me go with a warm smile creeping upon her lips. She is so much like Avian I found it almost comforting.

"Huh...oh! Yeah, I'm Victoria, it's nice to meet you...and we're just friends." I replied to her in response with a nervous laugh once I remembered how to talk again, almost giving Avian a sideways glance for talking to his mother about me.

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