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June 25th

"Are you ready for this?" Niall asked from his seat next to me. It had been a month since Niall shared the news about our relationship, and now we were anxiously waiting in the hospital for the test results to confirm whether we were truly siblings.

All of our friends know what is going on and are excited for us. They all think that we are siblings, but there's still a lingering worry that we won't be. I've also started to get close with Liam again. Even though we aren't biologically related, we went through the shared experience of our traumatic childhood together and we'll be forever bonded because of that.

"No, what if we aren't siblings?" I bit my lip nervously.

"Al, it'll be fine." Niall chuckled, trying to reassure me.

"I know, but I already see you as an older brother, and I don't want the test to be negative." I pouted, feeling the weight of uncertainty.

Niall and I had grown incredibly close over the last month, spending as much time together as possible.

"Horan?" A nurse came out from the back.

"That's us." Niall said as he gently squeezed my hand and stood up.

The nurse led us to a small room with a computer, desk, and some plastic chairs.

"Wait here, Dr. Howard will be with you in a moment." The nurse informed us.

"He's the one who delivered Jack," I whispered to Niall.

"It feels like just yesterday I was driving you here." Niall chuckled, reminiscing about the past.

"I know, time flies! Jack is already six months old today." I smiled, cherishing the memories.

"Let's pick him up from Perrie's and celebrate after we get the results." Niall suggested, trying to stay positive.

"Alright," I agreed, feeling a mix of emotions as the doctor entered the room.

"Hello, I am Doctor Howard. How are we doing?" the doctor greeted us.

"Great!" Niall answered for both of us.

"Well then, we're going to get right to it." The doctor sighed. "Your tests came back with a three percent match, you're not related." He delivered the news bluntly and got up to leave.

"Wait a sec, doc, there has to be a mistake!" Niall stood up, completely baffled and in denial.

"I'm sorry Mr. Horan, but the tests don't lie." The doctor shrugged, presenting the cold truth.

"This doesn't make any sense, everything adds up! Liam recalls the 'vacation' to Ireland when he got his new sister, Alli remembers running around with me and Greg, we look exactly like each other for god's sake!" Niall paced, trying to process the unexpected results.

"Sorry Mr. Horan, I'm only here to give you the results, I have other patients to see." The doctor apologized before leaving the room.

"Niall," I said, reaching out to touch his arm, hoping to comfort him. He brushed me off, lost in his thoughts and emotions.

"I get it, Alli. Sorry for dragging you into this mess. My real sister is probably dead anyways." He mumbled, his pain evident as he stormed out of the room.

I sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. "This doesn't add up," I mumbled to myself, trying to make sense of it all.

I sent a text to Perrie and informed her that I would be there to pick up Jack shortly. Given the situation with Niall, I assumed he wouldn't want to celebrate with me anymore.

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