Danger around every Corner

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Welcome back! I see that you aren't bored with my story yet. Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter!


  I walked straight up to Dante and backhand slapped him across the face. "Do you have no guilt?! You cheated on Ebony, my best friend! How dare you?!"

  His face flashed a look of surprise and shock. I smiled at the fact. He deserved it. "You mean.. you were the one that told Ebony about that? How dare you?! I loved Ebony!"

  I growled. "Say that again. You cheated on her. Flirting with other girls is unacceptable when you're in a relationship. Are you dim? Seriously, common sense. If you loved her, you would have never said those things to that red haired girl."

  Travis gasped, and I turned around. I was nose to nose with the tall guy with black hair. Aaron, as I learned recently. My eyes widened slightly, but I stood my ground. Even though this guy had a bad reputation, I was pretty sure I could take him if he tried to fight me.

I glared at him. "What is it?"

  He looked past me, at Dante, presumably horrified that there were two tall people standing in front of him, one very angry at him, and the other with a furious reputation. Aaron stepped back a bit, to give me more space. I repeated my question. "What do you need?"

His black eyes burned into mine. "What's going on between you two?"

  I glanced past him, at Travis, whose green eyes betrayed his horror. I blinked and looked back at Aaron's face. "I was just... he is not a very good person, and I've known him for a while. I decided to tell him, and.. then you showed up, I guess.." I said, staring at the floor. My head instantly snapped up as the bell rang. My eyes widened. "Oh, shoot! I need to get to class!" I yelled. I ran to my locker and grabbed my things, running towards werewolf class.

  I slipped in, hearing Aaron pounding down the hall after me. I slid into my seat, waiting for the teacher to come in. I glanced at the far corner, where Aaron was sitting beside Aph. I didn't like that. Too many guys hung around Aphmau, probably because they liked her. My instincts kicked in, and I strained my ears to hear what they were talking about. Nothing interesting, I decided. My eyes swiftly caught the teacher walking through the classroom door, his werewolf ears and tail twitching.

-Time skip to after class-

  I was about to go find Aph so that we could walk home together, when I rounded a corner and saw a group of people standing at the far end of the hallway. Two of them turned around, and I realized that they were spray-painting something onto the wall.  I walked a little closer, trying to make out their features. There was a short boy with brunette hair and reddish eyes, a girl with white hair and purple eyes, and what looked to be a boy with black hair, who was turned around, painting the wall. The girl tapped the black haired boy on the shoulder, and he turned around. I flinched as his ice blue eyes met mine and showed that he was planning something. I started to back up, knowing that I couldn't fight the three of them at once. All three of them rushed at me, catching up to me before I escaped. The black haired one was as tall as Aaron, and the other two were just a bit shorter than me. The black haired boy got in my face, his blue eyes searching mine. "We'll call her Pup. And, Pup, unless you want the whole school, including the teachers, to find out about your little.. fight.. with Dante, you'll do as we say."

  I growled. "I've seen how you've been treating Aphmau! I didn't harm him, other than slapping him. If I get a detention, who cares? My dad will see it as being loyal to my friends. You have no right to treat either I or Aphmau with such disrespect or cruelness. Unless you want me to tell the whole school about how you treat others, including the teachers, you'll leave Aphmau and I alone. Got it?" I snapped the last part. My furious (E/C) eyes made all three of them flinch.

  I shoved them off, then walked away, down the hallway. I headed out of the school, then realized that Aphmau probably walked home without me. I ran down the sidewalk, heading to her house to apologize, when I suddenly got a text. I looked at my phone.

 (Y/N)- You  Aph-Aphmau

Aph- Are you okay? You forgot to walk home with me.

(Y/N)- Yeah, I'm fine. I got caught up in the hallway. Sorry about that.

Aph- It's okay! Garroth went home with me. He lives near my house, so he said it wouldn't be a problem.

(Y/N)Okay, good. I was worried that you were walking home alone. Again, so sorry about that. I'll see you tomorrow.

Aph- Okay! See you tomorrow!

-End of texting-

  I put my phone away, then switched my course and headed home. I went upstairs, put my things in my room, then checked on my brother. His brown hair was barely visible in the dark, but I spotted him sleeping on the floor. I picked him up, tucked him into bed, then went to say goodnight to my dad. After that, I got into pajamas and went to bed.

-Time skip to the next day, around 11:00 am-

  I walked to my locker to get my lunch and heard footsteps behind me, coming closer to me. I turned around, my ears flicked straight forward. Dante was behind me, his dark blue eyes guilty. I narrowed my eyes, and looked past him. I saw Gene, who I had asked Aphmau about, and his gang.  I, startled, dropped my lunchbox. Gene smiled. "Next time, don't mess with my little brother." He sniped. My eyes widened in shock. "B-brother?! That explains why he's so rude! He's been influenced by you!" I gasped. I heard footsteps, and Aaron came up behind them, whacking Gene on the head with a book. Gene fell to the floor. Dante and the others turned around, giving me just enough time to grab my lunchbox and hurry out of there. I ran into Balto in the hallway, but a quick snarl sent him away.

  As I got to lunch, all the kids turned to stare at me. They all started to narrow their eyes. I screamed as they all erupted into screeches like a big pack of hyenas. I ran through the hallways, but more kids blocked my way, everywhere I went. Suddenly, my eyes shot open, and I sat up in my bed. Just a dream..! Thank goodness.. I thought as I rested my head on my pillow.

  Hope you enjoyed! Sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger again, but I promise that next time will have a little more action. I'm trying to tell you the story, so that you know the basis, before I get into the actual romantic things. Anyway, have a good day or night, Galactic Cats!                    -Sincerely, Fox~Chan =0~0=

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