Beaten but not Defeated

644 31 20

I don’t understand why you knock me down

And as I’m down you kick me around

I try and get up, you step on me

Kick me really hard until I bleed

I lay on the ground hoping you’ll leave

Hoping you will get bored and let me be

When I think it is all clear I try and stand

But there’s no one there to lend a hand

You’ve turned so many against me I feel alone

I feel as though I’m being stoned

People don’t even seem to care

They pass me by, some stop and stare

I can’t help but give in to the pain

It hurts so bad it makes me insane

What I did to deserve this I will never know

I am on the ground and feeling so low

There is nothing else you could possibly do

I’m beaten, broken, bloody and bruised

I can’t possibly get up and move on I give in

I look to the sky and yell “you win”

But something deep inside me begs me to try

I push up from the ground and as I cry

I find the strength inside me that is needed

I will not let myself feel broken or defeated

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