Jesus//Paul 💙

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Valentine's Special <3

{I have been saving this particular one for Jesus because it's my favorite thing to do and Jesus is a chill guy. He'd be 100% down}

You've been laying in bed all day just watching Netflix and munching on the snacks you bought the night before.

You guys hadn't exchanged gifts yet because Jesus said he wanted to take you somewhere special at night where you guys could relax and unwind after a long week.

Your anniversary was in three days and so he planned a three year celebration by staying out there all weekend.

You guys had gotten married on the seventeenth of February.

You guys left at noon he had told you to pack enough clothes for a bit and he secretly threw the tent in the back of the truck.

After an hour and a half you figured out where you were going. A deserted camping site where Jesus had proposed to you last year.

He pulled up into your usual plot and parked the truck. He started pitching the tent, insisting that he could do it himself and so he left you to watch the air matress in the back of the truck blow up.

While Jesus struggled with the tent you finished the matress and set up the blanket, lanterns for the tent and snacks.
It was almost dark when Jesus figured out the tent and so you guys got in warm p.j's and fuzzy socks and clambered onto the back of the truck and waited.

Reader's POV

"Would you like me to give you your gift now?" Paul asks me.

I nod, getting anxious for the gift I had for him.

He handed me a box and I open it. It was a box of all our memories together.
Pictures of our first family gathering.
Pictures of us when we moved in together.
Proposal pictures and a video to go along with it.
Our wedding photos in a scrap book and our wedding video.
It was stunning.

"I'm speechless" I say in awe "this is one of the best things I've ever gotten. Thank you so much baby." I kiss his cheek.

"Anything for you."

Ironically I got him a box with things in it as well.

As Paul looked at the box his eyes roamed.
There were pictures in a scrapbook.

-we are basically the same person. It's why we're married-

The disk from all the songs we listen to and consider 'our songs'.
A bunch of sentimental things such as a keychain from our trip to the Bahama's.

He stopped dead in his tracks and picked up what I was so nervous to give to him.

"Are shoes?"

I hide a grin "Yes they are."

Paul looks at me with excited eyes "I'm gonna be a dad?!"

I nod happily "Yes. We're going to be parents!"

"How far along are you?" Paul asks practically bouncing up and down.

"About a month."

"Have you been to a doctor?"

We played twenty-one questions until it was completely dark and looked up at the night sky to see the stars.

Star gazing always made us happy.
Right now, it was like a bliss.

We're so excited to be parents but at the same time so nervous.

The sky and the stars made us calm, turning it into the said bliss.

We lay there for what seemed like forever and before I fell asleep Paul kissed my head.

"A very happy valentine's day to you (Y/N)."

"Happy valentine's baby."

{Ugh these all took sO long. Happy with some of them and just glad I finished. I really like this one because star gazing is one of my favorite things to do. Tell me what you think. Don't be a stranger :) }

{Edited 08.28}

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