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3rd grade

"Theo! Theo! Theo!" A small Stiles says running up to a small Theo. Theo laughs at his friends excited behavior. "Stiles!" Theo replied taking the boy into his small, yet bigger then Stiles's arms. "I missed you so much! You were gone for so so so long!" Little Stiles exclaimed nuzzleing his head in the crook of his best friends neck. "I was only gone for a week, but I missed you too. Guess what?" Stiles eyes light up as he backs away only slightly from Theo. "You brought me something?" Stiles asks but it's more of a statement then a question. Theo nods and pulls Stiles up to his room. "Come on, I know you'll love it!" Theo says Stiles giggles. "I know, I love everything you get me! And I love you!" The eight year old Stiles says. "I love you to Sti."

They get to Theo's room where Theo go's to his closet getting out a small box raped in light pink paper with a hot pink bow. Stiles bounces up and down making Theo laugh. "Here." He says handing the gift to Stiles. Stiles takes the gift happily opening it. Stiles gasps as he sees the bracelet. The he let's out a high pitched squeal that Theo finds absolutely adorable. "I love it!" He says taking the gold and sliver bracelet out. It's three thin chains two gold and one silver one braided together. The clasp at the bottom is gold with M.S, and T.R  engraved in it. "I'm so glad you like is Sti!" Theo says happily. "Can you put it on me?" Stiles asks handing Theo the  bracelet. Theo nods putting it on Stiles wrist.

"I made you something, but it's not as grate as this." Stiles mumbled making Theo grin. "If it's from you I'll love it." He says Stiles reaches into his bag and pulls out a flower crown. "I made it with fake flowers so it wouldn't die! I did light blue and bright yellow because they make your eyes stand out."  Stiles says placing the crown on Theo's head. "Thank you Sti, it's gorgeous. Just like you." Theo says booping Stiles nose. "Promise we'll always be together?" Stiles asks his doe like golden brown eyes starring into Theo's baby blue ones. "Of course Stiles, we're best friends." Theo says as the two hug each other close.

4th grade

"Mommy's dieing and she hates me, and now your leaving too!" Stiles sobs clinging onto Theo. Theo frowns, he doesn't know why he killed his sister, the scary men told him to and so he did and now he has to go with them. He has to leave Stiles when he needs him most. "It's not my fault Sti, there making me go." Theo mumbled against Stiles's forhead. "I know, bye Thee." Stiles says in a small sad voice. "Bye Sti." Theo says getting into the back of the car. "I will come back Sti, I promise." Theo says strongly befor closing the door. Stiles gives one last half hearted wave. "I'll miss you." They both somehow say at the same time nether of them hearing the other.

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