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Hey,I'm Lilly and I will be telling the story of Zach and I.

Zach is 16,"5,10",blonde hair,blue eyes,tall,white,and super hot..

Lilly-Me is 15,"5'7"dark brown hair,brown eyes,tall,mixed,and super cute!!!

Chapter 1.

Zach and I were sitting on the couch talking and trying not to think about him having to move.. We have been together for 5 years and 11 months..

Lilly my mom called,,it's time for you game Zach has to leave.. Go get dressed,, Zach wait here I'll be back in a minute I called... I ran upstairs got dressed and ran back down stairs... Zach meet us at the game I said and he gave me a hug and kiss and said see you there...

We won our game 23-3!! Zach left and didn't even say goodbye.. Turns out he moved that night but didn't want to hurt me,,but when I found out he left it broke my heart..

Chapter 2.Broken Heart

After my game I went home and crawled in the bed and cried.. After 3 days of no sleep my mom held me tight and rocked me to sleep..I woke up the next morning and looked at my phone and saw messages from Zach..

Sorry I left my mom had to go the hospital and then she made us leave that night... My mom has cancer so were moving to the state that has the best cancer treatment center... I will be moving back in two weeks and I will come by your house first thing...

I texted Zach back and told him that I was sorry about his mom and that I was glad he would be moving back soon..

Chapter 3. Zach's back!

Tuesday morning I got up and got ready for my volleyball game at 8:00!!

Got there and was ready to win!!

Wishing Zach was at my game and cheering me on.. Twenty minutes into the game,,someone is cheering me on and I swear it's Zach's voice,so I turn my head and see Zach I wave and blow him and kiss and he blows me one back...

After we won our game,,I went out to eat with Zach.. I missed you so much we both said and then we kissed... When did you fly in? Why didn't you tell me you were flying in... Well Zach said I wanted to surprise you!!

I'm so glad you back.. So what are we going to do? I don't know but let's make plans.. We will but I have to go see my grandma so meet up later Zach said...

Chapter 4. The accident

Zach and I was supposed to meet at 2:00 and it's 8:30 so I call his phone and some girl answers... Where's Zach I ask,,mamma he's been in a car wreck and he's not in good condition.!!

What hospital is he at?? He's being flew to forth worth.. I gotta go and I said I'll text you my address bring me his phone please...


Chapter 4. The hospital

I get to the hospital and Zach's calling my name... I love you Lilly remember that I love you too Zach everything will be okay...

We have to put him in his room...said the nurse... I kissed him and said see you in a minute and I love you..

Five minutes later,,the nurse comes out and says sorry Lilly but he died..!!!

No no it can't be...

The funeral was sad and I can't think about being with anyone else.. THE END!!LOVE YOU ZACH AND I WILL MISS YOU!!REST IN PEACE!!

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