02-My Master

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  I remain strong as I am dragged away from the stage. Tears threatening to spill and I curse myself for it. One guy on either side of me pulling me along too fast for my legs to catch up.

  We reach a long black limo as a guy pulls up on the other side, smirking hard. I recognize him as the guy who placed his bet on me. I smile back trying to be polite. He comes around and opens the door for me Boeing slightly, and for a moment I think I finally got a good 'master'.

"Get in," he tells me as I do so ignoring what I just thought on finally having a good 'master'.

"Ok my name is Prince Darren B., as you know I am a vampire and I'm am your new master. You will do as told when told to be done, and if not you will be punished for not doing so. You are not a house slave you are my personal slave, so anything I want you will happily agree to do for me with a smile on your face," he tells me.

I nod my head in agreement, already knowing most of this from experience. I think for a moment more if there was anything new, then I realize he said he was a prince, and I was his...

Shit!! A personal slave, that's always bad news. Fuck i'm screwed. Oh gosh.

"Miss," he asks me.

"Yes," I reply, wondering what the hell he could want from me when we just got in the car.

"Can you stop and just sit still, your thoughts are annoying me and we're almost there," he tells me,and I do so, as it is an order.


We get there and the car stops as he races out of the car, and I reach for my door but it is yanked open by my 'master.' He goes to grab my hand and I give it to him, as he yanks me along.

We reach a huge house that looks like a mansion and 'master' turns to look at me.

"Welcome home, slave," my master tells me.

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