" You look great" I grabbed my bestfriend (Bailye) hand and drug her down the stairs. " As do you!" she said .
This was our first one direction concert and we had backstage passes. We were so excited. We were fans but not too overly obsessed fans. We were so excited to accually get to meet them though.
"Hello? Julia? Are you there" Bailye yelled. Pulling me out of my thoughts
"yeah sorry what were you saying?"
" That the limos here"
" Then what are we waiting for?" I grabbed her hand and we ran out to the limo. Once inside we were on our way to the concert!
We pulled up to the arena. We walked casually inside and towards to VIP section. Showed the man our passes and he escorted us to the room where the boys would meet us.
" Just wait here" he said. His voice was raspy.
"Thank you!" I chirped back.
"Omigod! Can you believe we're accually here?" my bestfriend squealed from behind me. I laughed then took a seat on the couch. I pulled out my phone and logged onto instagram to check my notifications. When I heard a door open, I looked up and none other than one direction walked through the door.
"Hi we're one direction!" said Louis.
"Hi I'm Julia and this is bailye." I smiled back
"Hi" Bailye spat out.
I looked up and Harry was staring at me. I probley looked terrible compared to the other girls out there. But from the way his smirk fell on his lips I could tell there was something going on in his head.
After about an hour of awkward silence we all felt pretty comfortable around each other. By this time Louis and Liam were fighting about which shirt looked better and Zayn was fixing his hair. Oh I could tell me and him could be good friends. Niall and Bailye were laughing at something. They look so cute together. Especially Bailye. Ifrom the moment I met her I knew we'd be instant friends. We got along real well. And we've never had a fight. I love her like a sister.
Something touching my arm drew me out of my thoughts. I looked up and Harry was there.
I could feel sparks... Weird considering I just met him. I wonder if he could feel them too.
"Hi, Julia right?" he said with his ever so sexy voice
"Yeah? "
" wanna talk?"
Those 2 words changed my life forever. Who knew?