Valentine's Day

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Here comes Valentine's Day

In which I will be away

Why people ask

Simply because I am the only tree tainted by an axe

I am alone

I do not recieve any calls on the telephone

I feel like jumping and breaking free of my being

Only to realize it is a fantasy that I am seeing 

Then I wonder 

Only to plunder

No-one to give me a hand

I am all alone walking in the sand

I am falling

Now I am crawling

Now I am sprawling 

I am not here to tell you anything but

You should never get stuck in a rut

As my insides turn to ash 

As the lightning gives one last flash

As the thunder lets out it's last clap

I hope you are the one I see last

So you should enjoy today

Happy Valentine's Day

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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