Chapter 3: cute guys

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I waited about 20 minuets outside in the hot sun shinning on me. While finishing a song I had just wrote like 5 seconds ago! I've been working on it for two months and I'm finally done!!

Then a blue mustang pulled up and and a guy got out. The guy had blonde hair and blue eyes and was a little taller than me. And to be honest he was cute. Wait, not cute, HOT!

"Are you Rachel?" he asked as he waked up to me while he was looking at his phone then me then back to his phone and well you know me.

"Uh yes, why?" I said quietly and putting my pen in my note book and putting everything back in my blue shoulder strapped purse."Good. I'm Braden. Riley sent me to pick you up." he said looking at me with a weird look. "Oh okay. sorry" I said feeling really dumb. "Riley sent me a picture of you and well all I could tell from the picture is you have hair." Then he showed me the picture and I gasped. "UHG!! I'm going to kill him! That was from 9th grade and well I has to wear a mouth guard for a weird day at my school." i said embarrassed.

"Oh,well that explains everything." he said laughing. "Well, now that the most embarrassing moment of my life is over i'd like to go if that's ok." i said smiling and heading towards the car.

We spent 20 minuets in the car and then pull into a big mansion like house. it was a big, tan place with a red door and a really big backyard. "Wow!" I said kinda screeching. "This place is sooo big!" I said louder.

"Well it is your brothers house!" Braden said laughing. He unlocked the door handing me the key and saying Riley said it was my key. "Thanks" I said walking inside. The house was so big. Once you walked in there was a small round table with roses in it. Well I didn't know my brother was so girly but, cool.

"Follow me." Braden said taking me hand. "Wow you've known me for half an hour and we are already holding hand."

I said messing with him. "Haha, well who wouldn't your so cute!" he said chuckling and basically dragging me up the stairs.

Did he just say I was cute? Oh my gosh the guy I thought was cute called me cute! I was screaming in my head.

"Um... You didn't hear that." he said. "Well this is awkward because I did hear you and no take backs!" I said smiling.

He opened a big purple door with blue skulls on it. (Riley knows me soo well!!) I follow him into the blue painted room with a queen sized bed. With a balcony that's really cool and you can see another house the same size across the street.

"Who lives there?" I said with a puzzled look on my face. "I do." Braden said walking up behind me. "Oh. who's room is that with the balcony?" I asked. "That's my room." he said smiling. "oh, well don't be coming out every 5 minutes and stalking me." I said teasing him. "I can't promise that I won't do that." he said laughing. I laughed and said "PERV!" and ran out of the room with Braden running after me.

"I'm gonna catch you!" he said laughing and trying to catch me since I had a head start I was down the hall already. He was fast and he almost had me. "Your fast but not fast enough." I said laughing and running and then opening a door. Then I saw a really cool couch and then a big TV with controllers in a basket under the stand the TV was sitting on.

I stood in the middle of the room amazed at what I was looking at. "Game room huh?" I heard a voice from behind me. "how did you know I was in

here?" I asked turning around. "My house and your house are the same. Well structure wise. Plus the door was open." Braden said walked so he was standing next to me. "Well, I should go unpack." I said looking at the very cute Braden standing text to me. "Okay, need any help with anything?" he said as we walked back to my room. "Well, unless you want to help unpack bras' and underwear..." I said teasing him with a very wide smile. "Um... no thanks! But if you need anything later here's my number and welcome to Cali!" Braden said as he handed me a paper that had numbers on it. "Thanks. Do you always keep a paper with your phone number on it?" I asked laughing. "No. I wrote it in the game room." he said smiling a really cute smile. Then Braden left an I was left to unpacking two suit cases and three cary-on bags. Yay!😉

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