came over

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Am not sure what the title so..there u go ! Anywho my character is with eddsworld so all am saying is that I ship tomtord so much I just wated to ship tord tina(me) and eddxtom but anyway enjoy!


Tina(me) tlk#

I complete forgot about my friends so I'll surprise then! I can't wait to see tord! "T-tina?" I heard and tured around "tord?" He shiverd and I step close to him and he's face tured red "aww tord!" I blushed so did he "w-what are u doing here?" I smiled and hold he's hand up"to see u silly".

Tord tlk#

Me?why me?OK?"m-me?"

Mind:agh!why am I so scared!
(Sorry for the misspells)

"I missed u!"I blushed and look away buting my hand down "o-oh"u stared to walk as she stood there watching "...tord?"I tured around and looked at her"are u mad at me?" I shaked my head no "..i should have come huh?".
My eyes teared up alittle "!?AK! Am sorry!"I sniffed and looked at her.
"C-come"i stared to Walked to the house "hm?"She followed me



?? : !!!??

To be coutinue....


I'll coutinue later I have homework

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2018 ⏰

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