♕The Beating♛

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I walked home from school, I pulled up my blue uniform shirt and inspected my new colorful body ranging from sick yellow to dark purple...

I sniffled and blinked my eyes fast. I can't show these assholes I care. I sighed and pulled back down my shirt. It hurt moving but I had to if I wanted to reach my tree. I first found my tree when I was seven, that was when the bullying started, they called me a slut, a demon, a mistake, and so much more. Just because of my violet eyes and white hair. I ran straight towards the forest near our town and found my willow.

When I was eleven I dyed my hair purple just to show them I didn't care what they thought of me. It didnt end well for me, they dragged me out of school and kicked, punched, and scratched at me for that one little thing I did. I could have defended myself with my po- nothing. Nevermind that...

When I reached my tree, I heard them get close, Well crap. I thought I lost them. I paused and waited there, tense. Isabella, Daniela, Matt, and Jack. They came out smirking. I winced at the sight at him.

Shit! They brought Jack!

Dear Anime-Gods please, Please, Please, accept me into your Heaven!

I stayed silent and watched them aproach me. Every step they took I backed up. When my back was against a tree and they sprang at me.

The boys held me down as Isabella and Daniela punched me, making the earlier cuts open and bleed.

Matt took out his Pocket Knife and handed it to Daniela who opened my shirt and carved 'Demon' into my stomach.

I screamed as loud as possible and kicked wildly. They cackled and switched spots. Matt punched me in the ribs while Jack planted his boot into my face. I gasped and coughed. Blood poured out off my stomach leaving me sticky. This was the farthest they have ever beat me. They usually just beat me and left me with a bit of cuts, and lots of bruises.

I hissed suddenly and got my arm free from Danielas grasp and grabbed Jacks foot and twisted making him fall on his sorry ass. I kneed Matt where the sun dont shine and he plummeted too. I got up and pulled down Isabella and Daniela by the hair and kicked them in the gut.

They gasped and coughed, hacking their lungs up. I ran as fast as I could. I reached 'home' and flew inside and into my room. I gasped and tore off my shirt or what was left of it and hobbled to my bathroom to get the first-aid kit. I applied the antibacterial liquid and then put on the bandages. I hissed in pain and bit into my lips. When I finished, I whimpered and moved slowly trying not to move too much. I grabbed my laptop and unlocked it. I clicked on my videos. I opened Shingeki no Kyojin and played the episode 14*. I forward and watch where Eren is in trial and Levi suddenly kicks Eren in the face and beats him.

I wince and realized that Eren and I had a couple of things in common. Both lost our mum, we both got beat. So on and so forth. I yawned and fell asleep.


* Dont know if this is the Episode, if not please tell me so I can correct it.

It might not show but on the side there is Aria with her cut purple hair and Violet eyes

Okay guys I promise that Aria will meet the crew next chapter!

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