Chapter 2

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Jungkook P. O. V~
I heard lots of laughter behind me. My hyungs were teasing me because I'm 20 and still have no mate. In all honesty I am lonely, but my hyungs can stfu.
Namjoon: " Yeah, Kookie makes me sad... not!"
Suga: " Shut up Namjoon! At least he trying."
Namjoon: " Suga hyung is mean." I'm suppose to be younger than them? Yeah, right. I really don't know if I'm even a wolf. Jin hung says I'm a late bloomer, I was supposed to have my first shift when I was 18. He also says that your mate can trigger it. Can they really, though? I mean no offense but Jin hyung's kinda dumb. Kookie ~
I wonder what she looks like. She'll probably be a normal girl considering that no girl I've ever met had really caught my attention. Sad ~ I know right? Jungkook?
What if she's really beautiful and royal? OMG! I could hit the jackpot! JEON FUCKING JUNGKOOK!
I turn around to see Shortie yelling at me.
Jungkook: " Aish. What?"
Jimin: "Aish?! Is that how you talk to your elders? No? I thought so. Anyways, we're going to eat out tonight. Are you coming?" Everyone just stares at me. The effect of me not finding my mate is really depressing so I don't hang out with them a lot anymore.
Jungkook: "..."
J-Hope: " Nevermind. You're coming whether you like other not."
Jungkook: " B-but... "
Taehyung: " No buts. You're coming. That's the end of this conversation."
Jungkook: " Okay I'll go. *Mumbles* But you never said that i have to eat.
Suga: " Hmm. What as that?"
Jungkook: "Nothing. "
Namjoon: " Stop mumbling or I'll have Jin hit you with a sandal." My eyes widen if fear. No. Not the chancla!

I nod my head in fear

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I nod my head in fear. Well there goes my sanity for the rest of the day.
Y/N's P. O. V ~
Momo: " Princess? You parents want to see you at the dinner table in 10."
Y/N: " Thank you, Momo." I walk down the corridor. I know they want me to find a mate so I can rule. That's actually why I was going to look for them, to tell them I'm leaving after dinner.
Y/N: " Hello mom, dad."
Dad: " Hello daughter. We wa-" I cut him off by saying.
Y/N: " I'm leaving after dinner to find my mate, so that I can rule and you can rest. I'll be staying with my cousin, Jimin." My father is speechless.
Mom: " Is Momo going with you and is there someone to lead your pack?"
Y/N: " Yes she is and Sehun ( He's like a brother to you) is leading for the time being."
Dad: " Hmm. Okay, let's having fun while the time lasts." I nod my head and sit  follow my parent to the woods. After a nice long run with them, we go back to eat dinner. 
Mom: " So honey. Are you going to attend school?"
Y/N: " Yes mother."
Dad: " Wait... I heard that Jimin lives with six other men. Is that true?" I gulp knowing that he would ask this question and be worried.
Y/N: " Yes. They are also hybrids.  If anything happens, I have a house to move into. Don't worry, I'll be okay dad." Even though you're the strongest monster in the world, your father still worries and that's really sweet of him.
Mom: " She'll be alright honey. She's our little girl." My mother rubs her thumb over his hand to sooth his nerves. Eventually dinner's over and it's time for me and Momo to go.  I wave goodbye to my family and get into my car.

Jimin P

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Jimin P. O. V ~
We had just finished eating and were on our way home. When we got to the house, I was the last go in. I took a deep breath.
Jimin: "Hey guys. I have a surprise for you." Everyone looks interested, especially Jungkook.
Suga: " Well what is it? I want to sleep."
Jimin: " You'll see in an 1 hour. "
          ~ Magical Time Skip ~
BTS's P. O. V ~
The doorbell rings, everybody looks at Jimin who happens to be getting up. He opens the door, everyone behind him.  Everybody looks confused.

Mate Hunt (Jungkook X Reader) ✔️{ COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now