Chapter 1

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A/N: Michael will not be in this first chapter, but I promise he is in the story :-) 

I opened my eyes when I was awakened to an abrupt jerk motion, I blinked a few times so I could see clearly, remembering I was still on the plane.

I turned to Maddy, "what was that?"

"No clue" she shrugged

As if on queue the pilot announced on the speaker "Everyone please fasten your seat belts, we are now landing in Sydney, Australia"

I yawned and did as told, checking my watch for the time, 4 am.

"Oh my god i'm so excited! I haven't seen ash in forever Olivia i'm going to cry!" Maddy exclaimed

I smiled at her, I am honestly genuinely happy for her, I mean..she has been talking about him the whole plane ride, even boring me to sleep, but then again i'd do the same thing if I only got to see my boyfriend in the summer, even though they talk everyday not in the summer via Skype. But hey, still happy for her, and him.

After waiting 5 minutes it was time to stand up and get our luggage's and finally get off the plane.

We walked down the steps and was heading into the airport

"Do I look okay? How's my makeup? Is my hair a mess?! Do I smell bad?!!"

The messy list of of what seemed like endless questions were starting to get annoying, so I finally stopped her and grabbed her by the shoulders

"Stop Worrying" I said slowly, "you look amazing, I on the other hand look like ass, now lets go"

She took a deep breath and we headed toward the door

We were walking through the airport, which seemed to be empty, but then again expected because it is 4 am.

We found the escalator and right when we reached the bottom she gasped and dropped her bags, running forward, I look straight ahead and saw Ashton with his arms wide open.

I picked up her stuff and was walking toward them, I couldn't help but smile, she was crying and so was he, the moment was precious.

"I'll let you two have a moment" I said, leaving her stuff right beside where they were holding each other in their arms.

I scanned the room searching for Luke and Cal when I finally spotted them, coming from the food area holding McDonald bags.

As soon as they both saw me they had the biggest smiles plastered across their faces, and so did I. 

Luke gave the fast food bags to Calum and ran over to me, hugging me so tight causing me to drop my bags.

I hugged back equally as tight,  "well I can tell someone missed me" I teased

"you have no clue, Cal has a girlfriend now and Ash has been so gloomy an-"

"Luke shut up please, we can catch up about everything later" I giggled letting him go of the hug, just to be greeted by another hug, this time from Calum.

"Glad you're here again" Calum said after letting go

"I missed you guys so much, this summer is gonna be s-"

I was interrupted by someone tapping me on the shoulder, I turned around and was greeted with another hug, from ash, who was sniffling and saying he's glad I came

We leg go and Luke and Calum both said "awww" at the sight of Ash and Maddy wiping their tears and sniffling, holding hands.

They both hugged Maddy and then we all did a big group hug, which was awkwardly sweaty since it was really hot in the airport.

"Okay we should head out now, you guys know how I can't stand the smell of airports"

They all mumbled something like "yes we know" and we all walked through the airport on our way to the exit

"I'll take one" Luke said, grabbing one of my bags

"thanks loser" I casually said

That's our thing, teasing eachother all the time, people who don't know us would probably think it's flirty, but we're just bestfriends, like brother and sister really

"By the way, nice outfit Olivia" Ash jokingly said from where he was walking behind me

"i know right" I sarcastically replied

Who could resist to say that thought, Maddy was all dolled up for Ash, in a black loose dress with her hair curled and makeup done, she looked like she was ready for a photoshoot, I was only in sweats and a plain t-shirt with my hair in the most unnatractive messy bun ever, and adding to that I had the worst under eye circles form no sleep the night before on my makeup-less face.

I didn't care much though, it was only Luke, Cal and Ash.

We got in the car and Luke handed everyone the food he got from McDonalds for us

I smirked at how he knew what everyone wanted, I thought it was kind of funny actually

"we should have waited till we got in and got pizza" I said out loud

"you live off of pizza Olivia" Maddy said 

I just smirked, knowing her comment was true.

I was sitting in the front with Cal and saw water droplets coming onto the windshield, the next second we all jumped from the loud crackling of thunder and sudden downpour of rain.

"well that was unexpected" Ash announced

"Very" Luke added, "but what should 5 teenagers do at 4:30 am while it's raining" he asked right after

"Me and Olivia are really tired, can we just go to your house and sleep and we can take our stuff to my aunts house later" Maddy asked as she laid her head on Ashtons shoulder

"of course babe, plus we're all tired too, you know we never wake up early, especially to be somewhere for 4 am" he said

"ya plus I haven't even slept yet" Calum adds

"okay good, cause we all need sleep" Maddys says

Luke, Calum and Ash all live together, with someone else too but he's always gone every summer so whenever we sleep at the boys, I usually sleep in the unknown guys room, and sometimes I end up falling asleep in Luke's room on the floor.

We drove for another 20 minutes, finally pulled up to the boys house and left all our bags in the car. I quickly ran to the door since it was raining and ran inside, they never lock the door.

I went straight for the room I usually sleep and in and just fell right onto the bed, closing my eyes and driting right asleep due to exhaustion. 

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