I thought I was being funny

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These are some web journal posts I made just before I turned 17, and just after. I was a bored child.   ========================================================================== 

12:57 am


Coffee   Read all of this before you give up on me

I like coffee. It tastes good. It doesn't keep me awake, though. I can fall asleep.

I went to a coffee shop today. My friend bought me coffee. I told him not to. He did anyway.

Cappuccino is good. That is what I had...Not coffee coffee. Cappuccino coffee.

I can sleep.

It's one AM. Fun times.

I was talking about a book I read. The Girl In The Wall, I believe. They thought it was a Stephen King book. It's not. The person I was talking to thought so.

I was reminded of it, because there are two Stephen King books in front of me, sitting on the shelf. Just watching me. Waiting for the perfect moment...

Full Metal Alchemist is a good show. I like adult swim. It makes me laugh.

Hmm...Robot Chicken.

Turkey day was fun. Except, my Turkey Day was actually the Saturday after. Yet, we also had a turkey on Turkey Day. Only because my brother was home from Texas. Lucky him. He got turkey. Me too.

My sister-in-law's name is Shaneika. It's interesting. Definitely not white. That's okay. I just don't like dark meat on turkey. On people, it's just perfect.

People get on my nerves. I could shoot them. I'm not a terrorist, though. But if you are, and you're reading this. Don't shoot me.   ========================================================================== ...Eight hours later... ==========================================================================

09:13 pm


Holy Silent!  

How come there is a "Holy Night" and a "Silent Night"? I mean "Silent Night" has "holy night" in it. "Silent night. Holy night. All is calm. All is bright. Round yon virgin, mother and child. Something something both tender and mild." Or is it the same song?

I don't celebrate Christmas. No, I'm not a Jew...But I've slept with one. Besides, I don't have Barbara Streisand's nose. The freak.

Speaking of freaks, and...well, lack of noses, Michael Jackson. What is up with the Peter Pan rip-off? Couldn't he find something else to name his molester's palace other than Never-Land Ranch? Hey, that works...Molester's Palace.

Winter is coming. I would order it to leave, but Snow is too hypnotizingly, beautiful. Dear Snow, I'll make sweet, sweet love to you.

-The Queen-   ========================================================================== ...43 minutes later...(Seriously.. 43minutes?! Did I have nothing better to do than stay on the internet all the time? I guess things haven't changes all that much...) ==========================================================================

09:56 pm


Linguistic Form   I watch from far away

To glimpse a beauty maiden

At night, I lay

My dreams full and wanton

Beautiful I wish to be

Yet, under no watchful eye

Were the maiden me

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