"you lazy ferret!"

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Hermione woke up the following day, tired as ever. Her neck most definitely not feeling any better for Pansy was the most awful person to share a bed with.

The two Slytherins headed into the Great Hall for breakfast, and hopefully Hermione would finally find out who the Headboy was.

"Do you reckon it's Theo?" Pansy asked her friend as they took their seats.

"Don't be ridiculous. Theodore Nott? Head boy? I've never heard you be so ludicrous before Pansy, and that's saying a lot."

When the girls were nearly done with their food, McGonagall came up behind them tapping Hermione lightly on the shoulder.

"Miss Granger, if you could kindly meet me in the Headmistress' office after breakfast to discuss your duties as Headgirl it would be much appreciated."

"Of course, Professor."

McGonagall looked at Hermione over her crescent-shaped glasses perched on her nose with raised eyebrows. She nodded briefly and sauntered away.

"Oooooh, time for the moment of truth! Who is the Headboy Hermione Granger shall sleep with for the rest of the school year? Could it be-"

Before Pansy could finish, Hermione shoved a cream puff into her mouth, shutting her up. Daphne laughed from beside her with a spoon of jelly still in her mouth.

"Ugh, you two are absolutely barbaric!" Hermione huffed.

She stood up and treaded down the Great Hall towards the Headmistress' office.

Upon arriving she saw the large, and rather ugly, looking gargoyle awaiting the password.

"Rainbow sherbet."

McGonagall had made this the password due to the fact that as many times she had to reject Dumbledore's offers for a sherbet sweet, she very much did respect the man and wanted to have a password to remember him by.

And the rainbow? Let's just say she knew quite a lot about Gellert Grindelwald.

Hermione entered and saw McGongall seated at her desk however in front of her, there was a boy she never expected to see in this office.

"Whatever he did, I was not involved," she told McGonagall as she walked towards the new Headmistress taking a stand beside the bleach-blond-haired boy.

McGonagall chuckled at Hermione's immediate assumption.

"That is not why he is here, Miss Granger."

"Oh, well then is he here to try and persuade you to put me into another house, again?" She glared at the well built figure beside her.

He raised his eyebrows, his silver eyes full of surprise, yet a hint of challenge.

"No, as you are aware, you have been chosen Headgirl and from what I've heard, you did a great job portraying your leadership yesterday, however," she paused and shifted her gaze, "The trick you pulled on Mister Malfoy here will not go unnoticed for he too is Headboy."

Hermione choked on her own saliva and coughed hysterically. Once she finally stopped, she cleared her throat, placing her right hand on the desk to steady herself.

"Sorry?" she asked, clearing her throat once again.

"Mister Malfoy is headboy, therefore the both of you shall-"

"No. I'm sorry, Professor, but there has to be a mistake. This is Draco Lucius Malfoy we're talking about, it can't be possible."

Perhaps McGonagall had finally lost her mind. Malfoy, of all people, as headboy?

"I'm right here, you know," Draco grumbled. He was trying his best to keep his tongue tied otherwise McGonagall may change her mind. He needed to be the best student possible to put the Malfoy name back in a respectful position.

Hermione waved her hand dismissively in his face, turning back to McGonagall expectantly.

"Miss Granger, I can assure you that no mistake has been made. House rivalry and blood discrimination is no longer tolerated, so, I expect that one muggle-born Slytherin and one pure-blood Slytherin should be of no issue in helping this school's disciplinary."

Hermione let her mouth lay agape. In her opinion, this was incredibly illogical and plain ridiculous! After everything Malfoy had done to the students of Hogwarts, especially Potter and Weasley?

Hermione shook her head, 'Potter and Weasley,' she thought. Not that she cared about them the most.


Draco had finally lost it. He could no longer hold his tongue back. Granger here was being an absolute brat!

"Oh, quit your whining, would you? It seems it's all you've done the past 20 minutes," he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms in the process, "after all, who wouldn't want to be in the same sleeping chamber as me?"

"Why I ought to-"

"Now! As you both know," McGonagall cut Hermione off with a raised voice, "you will be sharing the Head Common Room and therefore need to come up with a password now as I know none of you slept in the common room yesterday due to a little incident."

Of course McGonagall would know, after all, Hermione and Draco were supposed to meet up with her about the password after guiding the First Years'.

Hermione shuffled in place, awkwardly rubbing and snuggling her nose.

"It was not wise to put a potion in Draco Malfoy's goblet to make him faint."

Hermione looked at McGonagall with a confused expression.


She quickly nodded her head when she felt Draco clink his shoe with hers.

"I'm sorry, Professor, truly I am," Hermione said sincerely.

Truly she was- sorry that McGonagall found out, not to mention what she knew was a lie.

"Professor, if I may, since Hermione has already proven her incredible disciplinary, perhaps all duties should be given to her. As punishment as well, I do feel a bit queasy after all," he suggested with a smirk.

"You lazy ferret!" Hermione yelled, slapping his shoulder and stomping her foot. She quickly spun her head back to McGonagall's direction, making sure her hair whacked Draco's arm in the process.

Although she was angry for his lack of decency in helping her with the duties, she could not help but feel a little thankful that he had not told McGonagall the truth of what actually happened. But, for what reason?

Why would Draco, of all people, cover up her mess. All he ever did was complain and make things worse.

Draco himself had not the slightest clue as to why he covered for Hermione. He should have just let her get in trouble for once. Not to mention the amount of insults he had to take from the Slytherins' this morning.

If wands wore out every time you hexed someone, his would be long gone.

"Well then, as punishment for this unearthly act, you are not to spend nights at any other dormitory but your own for the rest of the school year. And I don't mean the Slytherin one."

"You mean- I have to spend the whole year- sleeping in only the Heads common room- which I'm sharing... with HER?!" Draco asked astonished.

"Exactly what I said," McGonagall answered smartly with a proud yet audacious grin.

What?? Another chapter?? I've been having a bad writer's block this week so this chapter sucks but I'll look back at it tomorrow night and fix a few things!



Much Love

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