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The gym smelt of sweat, hormone blockers, various suppressants and a combination of unique scents and emotions as alphas, betas and omegas tried their best to work out while simultaneously ignoring each other.

Besides Ally, there was only one other omega in the room, both of them sweet smelling and exuding hormones that caught the attention of the other numerous alphas. There was a reason why most omegas went to omega-only gyms. Even if alphas didn't actually do anything, the constant leering could be off putting.

Jack could imagine that was why the other omega, a young, black woman decided that enough was enough and left the gym after fifteen minutes, shooting an unimpressed glare at the alpha who had not so subtly crowded his way into her personal space.

"Everything okay?"

Adjusting his attention, he looked down at Ally as she finished her set of lunges. There was a light sheen of sweat around her face and chest, magnifying her scent and sending it in his direction.

He could smell the happiness in her scent, the sharp tinge that spoke of her attraction to Jack.

He angled his body, shifting closer so that he could inhale more of it, the alpha in him fascinated by the little omega.

Something in his scent must have changed, bewraying his interest, and Ally moved closer to him. She was close enough that he would only have to tilt his head down a little to run his nose across the top of her head and scent mark her.

He wouldn't do that though. 


They weren't official yet and scent marking, at least the variety Jack was interested in, was something intimate. 

"Jack," she pulled her lips into an amused smile. "Did you hear my question?"

He blinked, realigning his focus. "Yeah, sorry. I'm fine."

Her smile grew and she playfully swatted at his chest. "Okay, big guy. Next is squats. Try to do all of them this time."

He huffed, putting away his distraction and focusing on the task at hand. He couldn't remember when he had agreed on doing a joint workout with her, only recalling vague memories of her proposing something and him blindly agreeing.

It wasn't really that bad since Ally was a fun workout partner, but he was so highly strung, eyes constantly darting around the room and to the double doors, that he was finding it hard to fully enjoy it.

Five minutes passed. Then ten. 

He only just started to relax, thinking that he was in the clear when the door opened. 

He was the first one in the room to react, body practically hardwired to the presence of his omega.

No, not his.

Then her scent hit, wafting through the alphatestosterone and musk and hitting Jack right in the stomach. For a moment, he felt winded, pain shooting up his chest and to his fingertips.

She ignored the other alphas in the room, some of which were outright staring at her, some of which had dismissed her presence as soon as they had acknowledged it, and made her way over to Jack. She had immediately located him, catching his eye and lighting up with a huge smile. 

He couldn't help himself, eyes trailing down her body to soak in the sight of her workout gear- a t-shirt, that reached the top of her thighs, and leggings. Demure. Perfect.

"Hey, Jack. I wasn't sure exactly when you were going to be here, but looks like I came at the right time!"

His eyes moved to her lips, watching the words come out and imagining those same lips stretched wide over his-

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