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Hugs By...
Chapter one: Natsu

However you spent a lot of time with them, you still weren't an official part of Team Natsu but they had still asked you to come on this quest and you felt honoured. You had liked Natsu for quite a while now but never dared to get too close to him cause you were scared that he would think you were clingy or something. But now he had asked you himself if you wanted to come with him and his team on this quest and you had quickly accepted without even knowing what the quest was all about in the first place; which had been your biggest mistake. While being careless during your turn to look around for abnormal activities in the town, you had been ambushed by the enemy since you didn't exactly know what to look for. The team had easily beaten the enemy, but Erza and Wendy had gotten hurt in the process and you felt guilty. It had been mostly your fault they had gotten hurt after all. While team Natsu walked back to the hotel they were sleeping in after a quick check-up in the hospital and some healing, Natsu noticed you were walking slower than the rest and were getting behind so he slowed down as well so he could walk with you "What's up?" he asked and you looked up slowly. Natsu noticed the tears lining in your eyes as you told him "It's all my fault this quest went so horribly wrong. If you hadn't taken a failure like me with you on your quest, Erza and Wendy wouldn't be hurt now..."

Natsu slowly punched your shoulder as he said "We're mages, stuff like this happens all the time. It's really not your fault; we should've informed you better about the quest in the first place. Don't sweat it!" he tried to cheer you up but it didn't work. Tears started running down your cheeks and the first sobs escaped your throat. Natsu stopped dead in his tracks. He wasn't good at dealing with stuff like this and had no idea what to do now. But as he looked around, he noticed that the rest of the team had gotten out of sight and had probably almost reached the hotel by now. He had to find something to cheer you up, but what. That's when he got an idea; he hesitantly held open his arms in an attempt to start a hug and as you looked up with tears streaming down your face, he quickly pulled you into his arms and against his chest to stop your tears.

You were pressed against the fire dragon slayers chest and you didn't know what came over you. As his strong arms closed around you and pressed you closer against his chest, you noticed for the first time just how hot he actually was. It wasn't like it was uncomfortably hot in his arms, the contrary actually; being in his arms calmed you down and the heat soothed you, calming you down. You buried your head deeper into his chest, soaking his jacket with the tears that were still falling from your eyes, seeking more of the comforting warmth. Then you suddenly felt one of his hands leave your back and move to your head to start stroking your hair softly to calm you down. "It's really not your fault, it happens all the time..." he said once more as his other hand started rubbing little circles on your back to calm you down. You could already feel the effect all this had on you as the tears slowly lessened and the sobs got less. When you moved your head a little to the right, your ear was suddenly right over his heart and you could hear it beat fast. Was Natsu nervous doing this? He obviously didn't have a lot of experience comforting girls like this, but still. It was a little cute to know that you could get the almighty fire dragon slayer to feel nervous as he held you in his arms... 

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