Yes Chef Chapter One

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                             I have been looking at other FanFic topics and Kitchen Nightmares was one of the only programs I am really familiar with at the moment. 

And who doesn't love a bit of Chef Ramsay? 

So without further adieu...Lets begin - Yes?! 

Rose stared into the mirror hanging in front of her. She carefully placed the final clip into her glossy red hair, sliding it firmly behind her ear. She stepped back, inspecting the final result.

She wore a crisp white shirt, the buttons straining to hold over her impressive cleavage, exposing her pale skin.

"Come on!! Aren't you ready yet?!"

Her husband's hoarse voice boomed from the stairway, causing Rose's heart to sink.

He was angry, and tense. She tried to take a breath as the all too familiar feeling of fear gripped her.

"Keep it together, keep smiling he will be fine once we get there" she said to herself as she closed her eyes.

Her Husband had always been harsh, rude and arrogant. She knew this when she married him, but she thought she could change him. She was so young, so damaged when they met, being with him seemed a safer option than staying at home.

John knew this, and didn't waste any time moving her to a new town, and ensuring she knew exactly where her place was. At home, and on her own.

The last few months however, had been different. He had no choice, but to bring his wife to one of his Restaurants down town. It pained him to watch her, laughing, interacting with people.. with men.

She came to life, in the company of her fellow servers and customers. She didn't get paid of course, this is why she was there. The business was failing, and hiring his wife to work for free was a desperate attempt to save some money.

Unbenounced to Rose, John had applied to be on the show "Kitchen Nightmares" twice before, failing to get a response. The last time he applied however, he was successful.

He informed Rose as she cleaned up late one night after service. Laughing as he explained his plan.

"Some jumped up chef comes here, gives us a load of money to get some decent staff, new decor and whatever else the show is stupid enough to give away!"

As she finished getting ready, she remembered that night, how nervous she felt at the thought of witnessing her husband make a fool of himself, which he obviously would, in front of the show's producers.

It had been a difficult few days for her, dealing with John's erratic moods while he tried to disguise his anxiety. But the truth was, Rose had anxiety of her own building up.

During the long nights at home alone, while John was at work, she would find herself watching " Kitchen Nightmares" over and over again, along with any other programs Gordon Ramsay starred in. Resulting in Rose becoming rather infatuated with the foul mouthed chef.

 As she made her way down stairs, she saw John watching her from the opened door. The look of disapproval, and confusion on his face putting Rose on edge.

"What's wrong?" She asked, trying to disguise the fear in her voice.

"You look...nice"

John looked in her eyes, holding a cold stare that she new was meant to fill her with self doubt, and shame.

She stared down at the floor, her eyes fixated on her patent, black high heels.

"Is... is it the skirt? It's the only one I had that was smart enough"

"It's fine" John snapped as he stepped out on to the cold, wet path.

Rose followed, closing the door behind her. The sound of her heels on the hard ground gave her a brief feeling of power, and confidence for some reason.

As they pulled up to the restaurant, a hot sensation began to rise in Rose's chest. Her mind racing as she imagined what the man she had swooned over for years would look real life.

Her thoughts were rudely interrupted by the unwelcomed sound her husband.

"Where are they then?!"

He slammed the car door and stormed over to the entrance of the building.

At that moment, her heart stopped. Unable to move or take a breath, her eyes widened as she watched a tall, blond man approach her husband.

"Good morning Mr Taylor. I'm Gordan"

His voice was so deep, and smooth. His accent even sexier than she remembered it sounding on TV.

"And where is your wife?"

"Uh, over there" John sounded nervous, and insecure as he pointed in the direction of the car. She sat there, frozen, as she stared at the man looking over at her... Gordon Ramsay.

His steel blue eyes softening as he peered over curiously. Adrenaline kicked in as she scrambled to unbuckle her seat belt, her eyes fixated on the man now walking over to the car.

As she finally freed herself from the strap across her body, the door clicked open. She stared up in awe at the tall figure looking down at her, a look of amusement on his face. His eyes kind, and full of empathy.

"Are you ok there my darling? Don't be nervous, let me help you"

His large frame, now slightly hunched over to better see her face, intimidated Rose, it was a delicious rush that left her breathless.

She took hold of his outstretched hand, his large fingers firmly gripping hers, sending electricity through her core.

  "Lets go inside Mrs Taylor. Yes?"  

Yes Chef... A Gordon Ramsay FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now