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I've finally realized what I'm missing, I'm missing my self. I need TIME to developed my feelings,my personality, and me.


I'm rose I have lived in a lot of places first with my parents, then my grandma, then a foster homeand last but not least by my self. I'm 18 I say "I got kicked out of my foster home",when I actually ran away. Because I didn't feel loved I felt like I was just for show for them and I only had one reason for being there, it was to be bragged upon to the fancy neighbers.
I still have access to there account so I bought myself an apartment and a car and since then I started to work until I could afford to get my own credit card. They offerd to help me out with pays and stuff, I said no and I was fine and now I'm by myself. All I ever wanted was to be loved by someone that would care and love me until the end. Now since I'm way to late for that I am looking for a perfect person, someone who has everything I'm looking for in them. I've made 5 actual real friends, your probably wondering why I'm saying "actual real friends" it's because the past friends I had were only using me for my money 💰. I met Lidiya which I met at the train 🚆 station, we were sitting beside each other and we happened to be getting off at the same place Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I used to live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. My 2nd friend is Raven we were study buddies all through high school she was the only friend that was true to me we were like the same person but in two different bodies. Once I left when I went to my apartment I found out that I was to be rooming with a girl named Raven as soon as I heard her name my eyes lit up and that's why said yes to taking the apartment. I just new it was her. My third friend she's like a older sister to me, a sister I always dreamed of her name is Katie, she always looks out for me, she looks after me when I need her she's always there when I need her, she takes care of me when I'm sick we talked every day until she came up with the money to get an apartment near me. She was my grandma's best friends grand daughter. We basically grew up with each other but that was until I left to my foster home. A couple of months after my grandma died hers passed away. She got sent to a foster home too and no matter what we would always find a way to keep in touch. She helped me escape and I offered to get her a place but she kept on denying. She told me I should leave and then she will come find me when she comes up with the money some how. Now she's here living in my apartment a couple of doors down from me. My fourth friend is the one that helps me with my fashion advice. Her name is Kathie Santoni no that is not her full name that is her first name. We met at a mall I was shopping at Garage and then we bump into each other she's carrying alot of bags and I'm just carrying one - my purse. She saw me looking at some clothes. She asked me what my style of clothes were and I told her retro and the latest cutest fashion and she told me where I should be able to find those type of clothes we went all around the mall together. Until we had to leave she told me to give her my number so that we could talk more we didn't talk much at first because I was to scared to talk to her because I thought she was popular and she would be way to busy to talk to me, and then she ended up calling me she asked if we wanted to meet up then she told me that she lived in Toronto and that she came to visit her boyfriend. Thats why when Katie said she would help me leave this place for good I thought I should leave to go to Kathie. Kathie picked me up and gave me a bunch of apartments to check out I slept at her place until I could find some where to live. Now my fifth friend is Mike.

Find out in the next chapter what Mike means to Rose

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