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My first night home was rough, I couldn't sleep and ended up being downstairs in the living room the whole night. I had the stereo down low as I hated the quiet now, I guess that's what happens when you're locked in a dungeon for a couple months. I almost hit dad when he had put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry." I croaked speaking for the first time in a few hours, that's when I noticed the mug of tea in his other hand. I took the mug as he sat down next to me. 

"You don't have to talk about it yet, but when you're ready I'll be here to listen, okay Han." Dad had said to me and I nodded before laying my head on his shoulder. 

"The first time I saw the sun after maybe three months was two weeks ago." I had quietly said and dad just hugged me closer to him putting his head on top of mine. 

That was all that I had told him for now as we watched the sun rise change the color of the white walls. 

"I'm just glad you're alive." Dad knew better than to say 'okay' because we both well knew that I wouldn't be okay for a while, there would be nights of little sleep and trying to get back into a normal routine. 

"I promised George I'd be back in a few weeks, I don't him to be by himself for too long." After that, it was silent again until dad's alarm clock had gone off, kissing the top of my head, dad got up off the couch and went to go get ready for work. I took a sip of my tea and felt my nerves slowly calm down, turning the stereo up just a bit I decided to make a quick breakfast for the two of us before dad had to leave for work. It felt weird being home again, but at least I knew I was safe and that the war was over. Eggs, bacon and toast along with a black coffee for dad, I had set up the table just as dad had gotten into the kitchen. 

"Thanks Han." He had said as we both sat down for a quiet breakfast before asking if Jasper was coming over for a few hours, I said that he was and that Bella was coming over tomorrow while he was at work. 

Once breakfast was over dad left and I started cleaning up. I felt calm until I heard the door open making grab my wand out of my sweatpants pocket. Soon I as I saw it was Jasper I lowered my wand, 

"Bloody hell Jasper! You scared me." I said putting my wand back into my pocket, 

"Sorry Darlin'" Jasper had said leaning against the counter "So what are we doing today?" 

"Um, getting to know each other better, not rush into things and work on that potion." I said remembering that Fred had found it before everything had happened.

 "Not rushing into meaning not pulling a Bella and Edward?" 

"Exactly." That caused both of us to laugh which is something that I haven't done in a few months. 

"I don't mind taking it slow, it seems nice to take things slow for once." 

"Says the guy who's been 19 since the civil war." Putting the last of the dishes away the two of us went upstairs and started playing 20 questions as I looked through what I had in order to make the potion. "Holy hell, a lot of these items are hard to come by." I said 

"And that means?"

 "A lot of money, and not a lot of sleep." 

Hey Guys! I know it's been a while since I posted this and if you noticed I did take down two of my other stories in order to try and focus on this and Worlds Collide. Not as easy as it sounds, because I am working on a few other stories as well. Those will be up as soon as I have more chapters to them so then that way you guys won't have to wait as long along with me being able to get schoolwork done. I'm sorry this chapter was so short I'm trying to figure out a balance between this, college, streaming/recording and trying to a part-time job. But I will try to get the next chapters for this and Worlds Collide as soon as I can along with a little preview of 'Kalidon'.

Till Next Time ~Ariel

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