My Sunflower | {Russia X Reader}

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Привет*** readers!!! :D this is my Russia X Reader love story. You will enjoy, да*? Just kidding, You will enjoy my story because I tell you to. Lol. Correction, kol. ^J^

Well anyways, I just wanted to inform you that I will use some Russian words and I decided I will translate them here so you will know what Ivan is saying and that. (I will also add a short one after each chapter too if you need it)

P.S. There will be quite a bit of Russian, but most of it is basic.

I also would like to inform you that I will write Ivan's dialogue, as if he were speaking in a Russian accent (basically not using the words a or the) just so you know that it wasn't an error. (Example: I love [the] way you look tonight.

(FYI: The example was not from the story)



Да* (Da) = Yes
Нет** (Net) = No
Привет*** (Privet) = Hi
Спасибо**** (Spasibo) = Thank you
До Свидания***** (Do Svidaniya) = Good Bye
Ты прекрасна****** (Ty Prekrasna) = You're beautiful
Я люблю тебя******* (YA lyublyu tebya) = I love you
Я тоже тебя люблю******** (YA tozhe tebya lyublyu) = I love you too

(FYI: The stars are to help you find which word you need to translate)


Ok so those should be all the Russian words/phrases I will be using in this story so hopefully that will help!

I also apologize for any misspellings, errors, or mistranslations. I will publish first then fix any errors within the next few days.

До Свидания****!!! :D and enjoy, да*?

My Sunflower | {Russia X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now