Picnic Plans

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You were just finishing up your breakfast the next morning when you received an incoming call. You got up from your seat by the dining room table and went over to the nearby wall to answer the phone. you checked the caller ID and grinned when you saw it was Ivan.

"Hey Ivan." You greeted with a cheery expression as you talked into the phone, assuming everything was all good with your friend.

"Привет**** My Sunflower." Ivan said in a happy tone of voice unlike last night.

"So what's up? Oh I bought your new door already by the way!" You asked as you sat back down at the table and took a sip of your morning coffee.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on picnic with me, да*? Oh and Спасибо****." Ivan asked kindly.

Your heart skipped a beat. You were overjoyed that the kind Russian had asked you out on a picnic. "I would love too! Where and what time?"

"By your place, at noon. Remember old willow tree we used to meet by when we were kids?"

"Well of coarse! How could I forget?" You exclaimed as you pulled your locket out around your neck and opened it, glancing at the pic of you two as kids having a picnic by that old willow tree Ivan was talking about.

"We have picnic there." Ivan said interrupting my reverie.

"Yes! Great! Can't wait!" You smiled brightly. "See you then!"

"До Свидания*****!" Ivan then hung up the phone and you did the same. You then sat down and exhaled. You were just so happy.

Ever since you saw Ivan for the first time in forever last night, you had this strong urge to see him again. You were delighted that he had took your word last night and decided to meet up again. You then couldn't help but wonder, if he had this strong urge to keep seeing you too.



да* (da) = yes
Привет**** (Privet) = Hi
До Свидания***** (Do svidaniya) = Good bye
Спасибо**** (Spasibo) = Thank you

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