Wendy and Lily

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Two teenage girls walked down a road, both smiling and laughing at what had just happened. Lily had played a prank on Wendy's, now ex, boyfriend to get back at him for what he did to her.

"Now, don't think you are just going home to mope," Lily said, looking over at her red-headed best-friend. "I have more plans."

"More? I didn't think tonight could be more amazing." She said, glancing over.

"No. Tonight won't just be amazing, it is going to be unforgettable." She grabbed Wendy's hand and took off to her car, plans running through her mind.


Wendy paused, looking over the cliff as the sun slowly started to set behind them. The waves lapped up against the rock sculpture they stood upon.

"You don't think we are jumping, right?" She laughed, glancing over at Lily, who had a soft smile.

A breeze blew over them, making Wendy's long hair blow and Lily's hair ruffle.

"No, but I remember how you use to say your dream kiss would be. Sunset, holding hands," Lily started.

Both girls continued, "With someone you/I love, and the most amazing view I/you could have."

They turned towards each other, smiling. Lily looked up at the tall girl before her, her red hair blowing in the wind and her brown eyes sparkling.

They both leaned towards each other, slowly but sweetly, pressing their lips together. They kissed and to Wendy, it felt like her dreams had come true. To Lily, her future with the most amazing person had now started.

They say on the stone top, holding each other close and kissing, just kissing... Enjoying each others company and realizing how much they really meant to each other.

This was an unforgettable night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2018 ⏰

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