Chapter 5

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Sorry for mistakes!
Many news articles had already begun their tradition - an agenda against Ash Ketchum. Most headlines trying to infiltrate rumours that the voting had a mess up and it was rigged but this was all quickly denied by the organisation that does the awards.

Ash walked away from the Pokémon centre after seeing the news and went for a stroll. He sat down on a bench in front of the centre and threw out a pokeball. Greninja appeared from it and stood in front of him.

"Have a seat" Ash beckoned. Greninja followed and sat down next to him.

"So what is it Ash?" Greninja asked.

"Have an Oran berry" Ash said and pulled out the berry. Greninja looked quite confused. He stared at Ash for a few seconds before taking the berry and consuming it within seconds.

"Thanks but what was it for? I haven't battled anyone" Greninja spoke.

"Just taking care of you... anyway, how do you feel?" Ash asked and Now looked straight into Greninja's eyes. He could already see Greninja trying to lie. "I know whatever you were going to say was a lie so... does your right hand hurt?" Ash asked and looked at his webbed hands.


Ash didn't reply, instead he sat up forward. Took of his glove, his right hand glove, and revealed his hand - which looked bruised and battered almost like it had been cursed. Greninja looked alarmed. He took Ash has hand - which made Ash wince a little.

"Sorry... But does this mean they got in?" Greninja said.

"I don't know... but I'm 80% sure they haven't got in but that 20% is unpredictable like them. They may have bluffed that day and installed a tracker or they have succeeded" Ash said wearing his glove again.

"What do we do if it's the 20%?" Greninja asked.

"Fight it"

"Ok what if it's a tracker" Greninja asked again.

"We train, we don't train till we get power. We train until we never lose" Ash said looking into Greninja's eyes once more. He could see the determination rise up in his partner.

"There's a tournament soon - all the best trainers competing against each other - it will put one person above the rest. Of course if it is a tracker they will know where we are, and of course matches will be shown on TV. That's why we give 200% every game. Then they will come... and we'll be ready" Ash said.

"I will not fail you Ash"

"I know you won't" Ash said before returning his faithful companion into his pokeball. He sat for a few minutes before Leaf came and joined him in the clear night sky.

"Beautiful night, shame I won't be able to spend more likes with you for a month or few" She said.

"It's fine - chase your dreams they are more important" Ash said giving a smile.

"Come on! Your much more important to me! But please stay out of trouble while your here or wherever you go. Your a wanted person remember that. And people who hate you. So please don't do anything stupid." She said.

"You know I won't anymore!" Ash said confidently.

"Good! Now I gotta go get packed, I'm leaving at 1am, so this is goodbye. Stay safe!" She said and kissed him on the forehead before racing back into the Pokémon centre. Ash smiled before getting up himself and walking away towards his hotel.

As he entered he saw Serena, Alain and her family all there. He quickly denied eye contact with any of them. He knew he was being watched. But he continued to walk on.

"Yo Ketchup, Serena asked you to join us so join us!" Alain shouted angrily. Ash knew if he reacted he would cause a brawl. And leaf had just warned him before. So he stopped and looked in their direction - then to his watch - he had time to kill, so he joined them.

"Where were you this late, honey. These parts ain't safe for famous people like you" Grace spoke, but Ash refused to make eye contact.

"Nothing will happen to me, if it did then" Ash stopped.

"Finish the sentence, then" Achille spoke in his harsh tone.

"I'm not here to take orders, thank you very much" Ash said calmly.

"So how have you been fairing after the whole scene two years ago. I know it's uncomfortable but I just want you to know if your down I can help you" Grace said, she examined Ash and saw his face completely drop in misery.

"Mum, I think we shouldn't talk about Mrs Ketchum. Ash has been through enough" Serena said, Ash continued to stare down.

"Ok, then are you going to participate in the tournament at Alola?" She asked.

"Of course and I will win" Ash said with confidence and a sustained tone.

"Yeah right, what if you lose? Again? Will you disappear?" Alain scoffed.

"No I will take care of unfinished business from two years ago." Ash said but instantly covered his mouth.

"What business?" Achille asked.

"Nothing of your concern" Ash replied harshly.

"It's that man from two years ago. The one that nearly killed y-you" Serena said looking down. Ash noticed her sad tone.

"Just remember I'm not dead so don't be sad. And yes but we don't speak about them in public or anywhere, because" Ash was cut off.

"Oh Team Zion?" Alain said jokingly.

Ash's eyes went so wide, that you fit a two barrel shotgun between them. The lights started to flicker around them. Suddenly the glass door broke and a Charizard came in, with a masked man.

"Get down all of you right now!" Ash shouted with venom. The Yvonne family didn't think twice and ducked behind their tables but for Alain. Who stood behind Ash confused.

"Greninja - stronger" Ash shouted. His Greninja stepped up in its Ash-Greninja form but with hints of white texture as well. Almost like a shiny Ash-Greninja.


"Counter with hydro pump!" Ash shouted. The jet of water escaped Greninja and blocked of the flying flames, and they both pushed forward to the masked man and the Charizard. Alain tried to follow but Ash held out his hand in front of him and a wave of force pushed Alain back away from Ash and from danger of being hit.

"Water shuriken!" Ash shouted.

Greninja grabbed the shuriken of its back and threw it at the Charizard and sent it flying out the building and into a wall unconscious. But the man remained, he rushed at Ash and grabbed him by the right hand. Ash screamed in pain and countered by grabbing the man's left leg and dropping him into the ground.

The man threw a smoke bomb and disappeared, but pain was striking Ash's right hand. He could feel blood dripping from it. But he forgot about the pain and turned to Alain. He picked him by the collar and pushed him against the wall.

"If you don't keep your big mouth shut about this I will make sure that I do the same thing to you" Ash said. Serena pulled him away grabbing his right hand before Achille could do anything. Ash once again shouted in pain. Serena let go immediately.

"What do you think you're doing boy! Grabbing and choking my future son! I will have you jailed for this!" Achille shouted. But Ash ignored because he felt more and more blood dripping from his glove.

"Ash you right hand is in bad conditions!" Serena said seeing blood up Ash's hands and dripping onto the floor.

"It's nothing... I'm going now. Just don't do anything stupid now" Ash said and walked off holding his right hand. Serena knew he was feeling pain - and a lot off it.


Next chap soon...

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