Godzilla vs Clover

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Silence falls over the city that doesn't sleep, except for the sounds of the gigantic white monster that had been terrorizing New York.

Considering that the ferocious monster labeled 'Clover', had only appeared Seventeen hours ago, the city of New York was unrecognizable. Whatever people were still within the city were being hunted down by the parasites Clover had released on the city previous.

The US military had committed everything they had in their arsenal to taking down Clover. From Ground assault to Nuclear assault, nothing had worked to take Clover down, Instead it had helped to feed Clover, who was feeding itself off the nuclear radiation, growing in size.

All that can be heard in the city is the monsters haunting roar, But within an instant a second monster could be seen emerging from the New York Harbor. It was the king of monsters himself, 'Godzilla'.

As Godzilla emerged from the harbor, Clover slowly moved towards Godzilla.

As the two Kaiju stood standing, looking at each other, They both knew that only one of them would be walking away from this fight with the title of 'King of the Monsters'. 

As Godzilla rushed in a roar from clover soon followed as the two kaiju began their fight for the title. As the two beasts collided a shock-wave ravaged what structures were still standing, knocking down any building within the area. With no military to interrupt the two, the remains of New York city were at their disposal.

After charging into Godzilla, Clover wasted no time in following that attack by wiping his tail. Clover being the smaller of the two, was also the more agile of the two, where as Godzilla may be the more larger being, he is also the slower out of the two. Clover, who was sending a barrage of jumps and attacks towards Godzilla, Had finally hit Godzilla enough times to knock him over. Clover took advantage of this situation and dived onto Godzilla's Dorsal. Clover then began Gnawing at Godzilla's Largest Dorsal.

Godzilla, who was screaming in pain, built up the strength to roll over in an attempt to get Clover off of his back, which did work, however clover managed to Jump away before Godzilla would be able to crush him. However as clover made an attempt to flank The king of monsters, Godzilla took him out with one swing of his tail, knocking Clover down onto the ground, followed by Godzilla dragging Clovers body across the ground.

Clover, Fighting to be freed from Godzilla's grip as his tail was about to be torn from his body, Attempted a last ditch effort to be set free by throwing his body up and attacking Godzilla by taking a bite at the reptile's arm.

Godzilla reacted in a way any animal would, he attacked back. Godzilla hurled Clover over his shoulder onto the ground, he then followed up by laying into the beasts chest. After a minute of mayhem from the King himself, he decided to spare Clover as an act of mercy.

Clover however decided to launch himself onto Godzilla's tail.

Godzilla however retaliated by swinging his tail into what used to be a building, knocking clover off of his tail. As Godzilla then stood over Clover he reached down and tore off Clover's arm as Clover was still swinging to attack Godzilla, followed by Godzilla taking clover's tail as well.

Clover laid flat on the ground screaming in agony waving himself around in pain.

Godzilla, looking to finish this battle, picked Clover up by the head and help his mouth open. Godzilla looked his foe in the eyes one more time before ending Clover once and for all. Godzilla Held Clover in place and blasted an Atomic blast down his throat, severing his head completely.

And with that the King of Monsters had defeated his latest challenger. Godzilla made one last Triumphant roar before diving into the Bay, on his way to find his next foe.

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