Fred: *hold bonnie* Thisis my bunny rigth here!!!
Bonnie: *blushes* f-f-Freddy
Bon: no that is my bunny!!!
Fred: Grrrrrrrrr
Bon: Grrrrrrrr
Fred: *grab bon and thriw him to the wall*
Bon: ugh *get you* you little *running at Freddy*
Fred: hehehe
Bonnie: s-stop!
Bon: *hit Freddy chest and he's face*
Fred: ow! *kick him* grrrrr
Bon: ah!!!
Bonnie: *watching and bit crying*
Teacher: you two in the classroom now!!!!!!!!!!
Bonnie: !
Fred and bon: !
Teacher: Freddy and bon go to the class room now!
Fred and bon: yes sir
*Bon and Fred walk in the classroom. Bon sit down next to the wall away from freddy and fred sit down next to the window *
Fred: *switch back*
Freddy: *sigh*
Fred: ....
To be continued
What do you think about it and sorry about the figth i try my best on it hehehe and tell me what do you think about it on the figth ok and what going to happen next time
fnafhs Freddy x bonnie
Fanfictionsorry is in English because i don't know how to write it in spañol sorry about that yeah so i hope you like it or not and i know little bit of spañol or not I don't know ok so yeah and am going get people will say freddy x joy Freddy golden or somet...