AN: I just pulled this one-shot out of my ass, so try not to judge it too hard.
Nagisa looked up from his attendance book. His students were being unusually quiet today. Everyone sitting in their seats was an unusual feat for the rambunctious students. Their rowdy behavior was just something Nagisa had grown used to after teaching the bunch for a whole semester.
"Yes, Sato-San?"
Sato giggled and exchanged a look with her classmate before speaking, "Sensei, do you have a girlfriend?"
Nagisa hesitated. The whole class was staring at him with eager expressions. Even the toughest of the kids, who pretended not to care, were silently listening in.
"No...I don't have a girlfriend." Nagisa replied nervously, waving his hand at the silly question.
The room deflated.
"Aww...." Sato sighed. "Poor Shiota-Sensei can't get a date."
"Probably because he's so short!" Another student chimed in, creating a chorus of laughter.
Nagisa shook his head at his students.
Sato asked another question. "Have you ever kissed anyone, Sensei?"
Nagisa tried to dodge the question. "Let's get back to-"
"Sensei!" Another student, Ito, cut him off.
"Just tell us!" Ito demanded. "We're all interested."
Nagisa wondered why his students were wanting answers to these types of questions so suddenly.
"I mean..." Nagisa started. "Well, yeah."
A number of the girls in the class started giggling, demanding details, which Nagisa declined.
"It's really time we get back to the lesson." Nagisa urged, desperately trying to move on from the subject.
"We should find Shiota-Sensei a date!" Sato sang to her friends as they left their classroom after school.
"We should! Sato-San, that's a great idea!" Fujiwara exclaimed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
"Girls..." Ito budded in. "Don't you think that's a bit much?"
"It's definatly a bit much."
The three students jumped as their teacher materialized next to them.
"You three..." Nagisa said. "That's sweet and all, but I don't need you to do that."
The two girls looked defeated.
"But Sensei..." Fujiwara whined. "Ito-kun has a cute sister your age, you guys would probably hit it off really well!"
"Don't drag me into this!" Ito yelped.
Nagisa chuckled at his students. They really did remind him of his classmates from junior high. Once in a while he would almost call Fujiwara by the name of his old friend, Nakamura.
"Like I said..." Nagisa continued. "I'm fine."
The girls whined in complaint.
"Are you heading home, Sensei?" Uchida, another student, asked as he exited the classroom.
"I would, but sadly..." Nagisa frowned. "My car got a flat this morning."
"Oh-no!" Sato cried, moving on from the idea of snagging her teacher a date. "How are you gonna get home?"

Spying on Sensei
FanfictionNagisa's students decide that spying on their teacher is the only way they'll find out more about his relationship with the mysterious red-head who has been giving the teacher rides to class.