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"How many times did he reset"

"I don't know but those timelimes don't seem to affect this timeline"

"Why give them a chance this time"

"I can't help but take pity on Corruption's creations"

Reset 1

"Fine I'll go with you"

"Wait really" Duni said as the Uni nodded, the dark pug couldn't help but chuckle. "Uni you can't be serious" Ashlue yelled as Uni sighed deeply, "your just gonna treat us as horrible as Duni did" Dashlie yelled making Uni growl. "All of you shut up over there" He yelled his tail lashing, "Finnaly every thing played out" Duni sighed smirking.

Uni looked away, "let's just get this over with, as long as my friends live". Duni nodded his tail wagging slightly, Uni looked back at his friends before his ears pricked up. Duni must of senses it as well as he turned around, "Ddawn what are you doing here".

It didn't take long for the rest of the slain demons to argue with each other loudly making Uni cover his ear from the noise.

"I had enough of this nonsense!!" Ddawn yelled as clenched his hands into first, "but I finally got him to agree". Ddawn snarled,  "Duni I had enough of these games". The pug seemed taken back by the others tone as the android looked at the angels and Uni. "This game your play, im done with it and I'm finally gonna finish it" Ddawn yelled as he tackled the dark pug making Uni jump back to the platform he and his friends stood on.

Duni on instinct faught backs though he didn't know what hurt more, the betrayal or the stab wound in his side. It didn't take long for Ddawn to over power the dark pug who growled loudly and scratched his left eye making him growl in pain, he could tell he was gonna be blind in that eye. He could hear the voices of his so called friends telling him to stop but he didn't listen, he was done and angry with this.

Ddawn punched Duni in the face making him dazed for a few seconds, long enough for him to grab the pug by the neck in push him into the lava below them.

"O god"

Ddawn panted roughly holding his bleeding eye, "you killed him" he heard Uni say as Ddawn held his sleeve up to his eye to slow the bleeding. "He was weak, he was gonna reset and I'm tired of it" Ddawn growled, "now why don't we go to the reset that I want".

"You did well, killing your own friend like that"

"A reset where I rule instead of him" Drawn growled as the angels backed up the best they can as the shadow of a large dragon appeared.

"Damm you Ddawn" Dres growled, this isn't what he wanted.

Reset 2

"Damn it!!" Dres yelled punching the wall, "w-why, why Dashlie of all people" Duni stuttered as he cried slightly. "Who was that thing" Don asked as Dory looked at the two demons for answers. "I don't know but it killed Dashlie and somehow took control of Ddawn" Dres yelled.

"Corruption, that's what it is" Dommy said making everyone look at the raven. Dommy quickly pulled out one of his many throwing knives before he threw it at Don making the fox demon eyes widen as it pierced his heart. He fell down dead before anyone knew it, Dres was about to jump him before black tendrils appeared binding him. The same tendrils bounded Duni, they were both unable to move.

"I'm sorry" Dommy said as Dres snarled before he eyes widen as the raven plunged his dagger into his chest. Duni watched in horror as Dres coughed out a blob of blood before the light faded from his eyes, "Why Dommy!!" Duni yelled in both anger and sorrow. "What's the point where all gonna be under the control of that thing, might as well end" he said.

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