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Cornelia saw a beautiful girl with long hair walk away from the bathroom followed by Chris voice yelling something to her. She made her way over, placing her phone in her bag to prevent herself from loosing it or breaking it. Neither would be accepted by William.

Cornelia opened the already partly opened door to the girls bathroom and frowned when she saw two girls, one wiping her tears with wide eyes that was glued on Chris.

"Chris!" Cornelia said, happy to have found her friend again. Chris smiled widely at her and embraced her in a side hug when she walked inside. "What are you doing in the girls bathroom? Something you haven't told me?" She whispered drunkenly to him before looking at the blond with ruined mascara.

"A girl said she needed me." Chris said and shrugged his shoulder. "Wanna ditch?" He said and she nodded, tired already. Chris took her hand and started to walk to the door yet Cornelia still looked at the girls in front of her.

"Are you okay?" Cornelia asked. The blond looked like she had seen a ghost as she looked at Cornelia, not believing William Magnusson's sister was standing before her. "Is she okay? Is there something I can do?" She asked the brunette girl who nodded quickly, being equally speechless.

"I'm fine." The blond finally said and Chris squeezed her hand gently. "It's okay." She said and Cornelia smiled at them before leaving with Chris.

"This party is dead, need to do better on our party on Friday!" Cornelia said as she wrapped her arm around Chris shoulder and his arm wrapped itself around her waist, both laughing drunkenly. "Can I sleep at your place tonight? In case that girl is still in my house with William?" She asked and Chris hummed while handing her jacket.

"Of course you can." Chris slurred slightly and she smiled at him.

"Or is Iben sleeping at your tonight?" Cornelia asked while they left the party side by side. "I don't want to hear that either." She giggled.

"Nope, staying at a friends house." Chris said and she hummed. Chris wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "So...what did you think? Found anyone tonight?" He asked.

"No, don't think so I was busy drinking shots with you!" She giggled. "There was one but who knows, he started following me on instagram but I have to look at it tomorrow while sober. He was nice though, and funny." She said and Chris chuckled.

Cornelia knew her way to his bedroom from all the years they had known each other plus all those nights she had helped his drunken ass home. When she turned to face him he held a pair of sweatpants and a shirt to her and she thanked him before changing. She relaxed her body onto his bed before taking her phone.



sis ❤️ [00:57]
sleeping at chris house, can you come get me
before school tomorrow so I can change?
if you're not busy fucking

brother ❤️ [01:15]
of course sis
picking you up at 6 💤




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