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Kelly followed behind Katherine into the woods.

"Should we really be doing this Kat?" Kelly asked. Katherine looked back at her with a grin.

"You're the one who wanted to go for a hike." She stated.

"Yeah on like a trail and not going blindly into the woods!" Kelly exclaimed. Katherine rolled her eyes at her friend.

"Where's your sense of adventure Kelly." Katherine jumped up on to a log and walked along it. It shook slightly beneath her, hopping off she landed with a low thump. Standing to her full height, Katherine couldn't help but have an overwhelming feeling of being watched. Glancing over her shoulder she didn't see anybody.

"Kelly?" No response. "Kelly!" Katherine called out but got no reply. "Kelly this isn't funny!" She began walking back the way she came calling for her friend. The sound of leaves crunching behind her made her look over shoulder before letting out a scream.


Rosalie heard a scream from almost a mile away. Out of curiosity she followed where the scream came from. She came to a stop far out of sight but enough for her to see her. Katherine...with another girl.

They were... kissing.

Rosalie watched, feeling an all too familiar feeling...jealousy.

Rosalie didn't know what was so special about this girl. The girl who smelled like lilies and lavender. The moment she's locked eyes with her it was like something changed with herself and Rosalie didn't know what it was and she didn't know what to do about it.


"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." Kelly stated as she pulled away from Katherine, but all Katherine did was smile a bit. Katherine pulled Kelly back, placing her lips onto Kelly's. Kelly gasped in surprise but didn't resist.


The bed sheets ruffled as the two girls came out from under it panting. Katherine exhausted rolled over in bed draping her arm over Kelly who snuggled into her.

"I don't want to leave." Kelly sighed, sinking deeper into the bed, against Katherine's bare body. Katherine was beautiful in Kelly's eyes. She can be a bit of a recluse but at the same time she's confident and isn't afraid to speak her mind and she liked that...a lot.

"Then stay." Katherine mumbled, drifting to sleep.


The next day at school Kelly and Katherine walked side by side to the school building. Kelly's face was a bright red and Katherine looked smug. Kelly drove them to school and Katherine couldn't keep her hands to herself...not that Kelly minded.

In English she felt an uneasy feeling. Casually looking around the classroom,she glanced over her shoulder and saw Rosalie looking at her. Her golden eyes locking with her brown ones. Looking away she looked ahead, her heart slightly racing, why, Katherine didn't know.

Rosalie saw Katherine's face turn a light pink when their eyes connected, she smirked slightly, continuing looking at the girl once she turned away.

The bell rang and the English teacher walked in and started pairing everyone off to do work in the textbook. One by one everyone was being paired off.

"Rosalie and Katherine." Katherine grabbed her things and walked to the back of class to sit in the empty desk besides Rosalie.

"Hello." Katherine looked up at the girl who resembled an angel.

"Hey." Katherine replied, opening up her textbook to the page written on the chalk board.

"I want to apologize about my sister Alice she can be a bit... strange." Arching her eyebrow, Katherine pondered for a moment on what Rosalie was talking about, until she remembered her somewhat odd encounter with the pixie haired girl.

"Don't worry about it." She brushed it off. Reaching in her bag she pulled out a piece of paper and went searching for her pen but couldn't find it. Katherine sighed, remembering she never put her pen back in her bag after the class previous.

Rosalie cleared her throat causing Katherine to look back up to see Rosalie holding a pen out to her. Chuckling a bit she reached out to take it. Her fingers tips grazed Rosalie's, she gasped and dropped the pen.

'So cold.'

Katherine felt her face flare up, she swore herself before bending down to grab it muttering an apology. When she sat back upright she noticed how tense Rosalie looked.

"You okay?" Rosalie glanced over with a strained smile.

"Let's start working." Katherine was put off by her tone but didn't bother saying anything before beginning their classwork.


The cafeteria was noisy, the chatter, the laughter it was all Katherine could hear and it was slowly driving her insane.

"Kat!" Katherine's eyes locked into Kelly's icy blue ones. Her hair up in a tight pony tail she was dressed in the clothes she wore the day before when they went hiking. "Are you listening to me?" Katherine's eyes fluttered, clearing her throat.

"Sorry, can you repeat that?" Worry grew on Kelly's face.

"Are you okay?" Katherine nodded absentmindedly.

"Sorry ,uh, I need to go." She abruptly stood up, her chair squealing against the tiled floor of the cafeteria. Katherine paid no mind to the others who were all looking at her somewhat curiously.

Rosalie watched Katherine go.

Like a slap to the face Katherine covered her own once stepping out of the school building. The wind swiped her hair to the side moving wildly. It was cold but Katherine reveled in it. She sat down on the concrete step which led to the parking lot. Her heart racing, her head hung slightly down as she tried to get her breathing under control.

"Are you all right?" Lightly gasping, Katherine looked up and there was Rosalie. Her eyes locked on her own, analyzing her.

"Yeah." Katherine cleared her throat before rising.

"You left the cafeteria pretty fast."

"What I do is none of your business." Rosalie was unfazed by the aggressive tone.

"You wanna get out of here?" The question took Katherine aback. She looked at the blonde who held up the keys to her convertible.

"You want to ditch?"

"You left the building, technically you're already ditching." Rosalie stated. Katherine stares at Rosalie. Something inside felt entranced with the beauty before her.

"Okay." Rosalie arches a perfect brow. "Alright let's go." Katherine whipped around and descended the remaking steps with Rosalie at her side. They walked towards Rosalie's car, unlocking it, Katherine instantly gets in, to get out of the cold.

Rosalie remains silent as she starts up the vehicle turning on the hot air, to warm one of the two up.

The school bell rang out into the parking lot. Tires squealed, Katherine gripped onto the leather seat as Rosalie sped down the road.

"And I thought I sped." Out of the corner of her eye, she see's Rosalie smirk. Looking at her she says, "thanks." Rosalie didn't reply, in a sense she understood. It was silent between them but Katherine didn't particularly mind.




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