Jessica: hey Ariel! Ariel: omg wtf have I missed?!? Jessica: well... me and joey broke up☹️ Ariel: omg no why?!? Jessica: well he didn't mean to but he kissed Loren Ariel: so. If it's an accident why are you guys not together? Jessica: idk actually but hunter reached out and made feel great and we soooo much in common so I'm dating him now☺️ Ariel: omg congratulations! How do you feel about everyone wanting you and joey back together?? Jessica: I just try to ignore it. I'm happy with hunter and that's all that matters Ariel: you are so right. Well I gtg we should totally hangout soon Jessica: of course. Bye 💗 Ariel: bye bye💓
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105,482 likes | 2,495 comments Joeybirlem missing what we used to have💔 Joeysmood @jessicajones Joeysmyturtle @jessicajones Planetchoey @jessicajones Joeyxcharles @jessicajones Lowkeychoey @jessicajones Choeyforlife @jessicajones Jessicajones awe joey☹️💔 Happierjmb we miss #jossica😔^ Charlesgitnick GET BACK WITH HIM JESSICA‼️
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95,450 likes | 2,391 comments Jessicajones I miss this😪💔 Choeyforlife yassss get back together!!! Lunablaise cough cough go back with joey cough cough Charlesgitnick agreed ^ Jessicahawt #jossica!!!! Jessicaspall go back on tour! Joeybirlem please please text me 😓 Birlemupdate ^^^oof Slayjones I want you guys back together! Slickjessica me too Jessica me too☹️ Babyariel yassss Hunterrowland text me too