20: Look what you made me do.

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Ella Pearson's Pov

Today was no different, if not more strenuous because of all the running and hiding I was doing from a certain blue eyed guy.

"You do know that you can't forever avoid him, right?" Sam, the ever voice of wisdom decided to impart her observation on the situation at hand.

"Thanks captain obvious." I muttered, grabbing the lunch tray. I was famished after all the running and hide and seek with Brody.

"So whatcha gonna do bout it?" Sam was behind me, as I moved up a step putting whatever was edible on my tray, ready to devour it despite their nasty taste.

I just needed food in my system and gain my energy back so I can continue running from Brody.

I shrugged too tired to reply her anything or utter a word. After my tray was filled with food I was content with, I paid and made my way towards our usual lunch table, at the corner and in isolation.

Sam was close behind me with her lunch tray and sat opposite of me. I dug into my lunch without waiting for her making her release a loud snort.

"Brody tires you, doesn't he?" There was a double meaning in her question which made my hands freeze in the mid air, that was grabbing my not so delicious chicken burger.

I placed the burger down on my plate before raising my head and glared at her. "I am eating here." I grunted before continuing with my lunch.

"I didn't say anything. I was referring to all your hiding and running from Brody." Sam blinked at me innocently making me glare at her.

Who was she kidding? This bitch.

I was about to say something but my mouth was filled with food restraining me from saying anything.

Looking at my sudden inability to talk, Sam smirked knowing as she popped a french fry in her mouth.

Seeing her mocking smile, I started munching on my food rapidly so I could swallow it and tell the bitch off.

"Ella Pearson." I heard my name being called somewhere near me which startled the daylights out of me making me squeak and jump a little on my seat but that was a wrong move.

Very, very wrong move.

Because I still had food in my mouth, when I squeaked, I started choking on my food as it went down the wrong pipe.

I started coughing, beating on my chest to sooth my sudden breathing problem when I felt someone hitting my back, not hard but enough to make me breath properly again.

Someone placed the juice pipe on my lips urging me to drink and I did as I was instructed.

When I got the necessary amount of liquid in my system, I slouched down lazily muttering my thanks despite my throat being sore. "Thank you Sam."

"You're welcome?" I heard her voice from the opposite side of me and not from beside me which instantly made me snap my head at her.

She was indeed standing opposite of me, as her eyes held worry and fear in them, probably because of my previous choking episode.

Seeing her worried yet an amused smile, I whipped my head beside me and my eyes met with the familiar clear blue eyes.

"Are you okay, Ella?" Brody asked, his one hand still resting on my back while the other on the table, his face so close to mine as he was leaning down towards me. His large body caging me in.

I gulped at the sudden nervousness that bubbled in me before anger and annoyance took over. "Were you trying to kill me?" I pushed at his chest with an annoyed huffed. Mostly annoyed because he caught me despite my constant effort to hide from him.

His jaw clenched at my question as he stood straight. He was in his full height as he glared down at me, making me feel timid and intimidated by his height and anger but didn't let it show on my face.

"So calling your name now accounts to trying to kill you? Makes sense." Brody muttered drily, his tone dripping with sarcasm. I felt embarrassment wash all over me at his words.

He was right. All he did was call my name and I was a choking mess which I was embarrassed about but didn't let myself dwell into it much.

I was just too embarrassed to admit to him that I was surprised by him catching me despite my running and avoiding him.

Brody had an irritated look on his face which made me feel guilty about my previous accusation. Because of my stupid embarrassment, I said that to him when I should be thanking him for saving me.

"It's not like that." I whispered, blinking up at his anger filled eyes.

His jaw ticked before saying. "It doesn't seem like it." He turned around swiftly and walked away from me and out of the cafeteria door.

I looked at his retreating form guiltily, until I felt eyes on me.

My eyes were still glued to the cafeteria door from which Brody exited, as I realized there was a pin drop silence in the cafeteria which had never happened before because it was the noisiest place in our whole school.

Scared to find what the students reactions would be and praying that nobody saw the little exchange between Brody and I, I averted my eyes away from the door and scanned the now silent cafeteria.

Who was I fooling?

Almost every student in the cafeteria was staring at me, even the lunch ladies. I saw different expression on different faces until my eyes landed on a seething Alexis.

She was literally shaking on her seat but i saw her friends trying to calm her down.

I saw JJ's hand on her arm which stopped her from moving when she made a move to stand up yet she didn't fight him instead listened to what he told her as she nodded her head at whatever he said.

I dragged my eyes away from her and scanned the silent cafeteria again. They were all staring at me shamelessly.

Thank you, Brody. I thought sarcastically.

Not wanting to be the centre of attention and desperately wanting the attention to be somewhere else somehow, I spoke up. "Everyone continue with the lunch, I hope you all enjoy it. The apple juice is the best in our lunch menu." I blurted out without a second thought.

The whole cafeteria started laughing at my statement when I said the apple juice was the best in the menu which was a ready made carton packed apple juice that can be found in every store. I somehow instigated that the lunch made by the lunch ladies were not so good.

And I ended up embarrassing myself more. So in order to save the little dignity I've got left, i turned around and went back to eating my lunch in silence.

"Great, I am friends with a loser." Sam joked.

"Great, I've got a supportive best friend." I muttered back sarcastically making her grin widely not caring about what I had said.

Her shit eating grin annoyed me but I was more annoyed by the thoughts of a certain blue eyed guy.


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