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Your Pov

As I start crying Kaname looks at me a bit worried. "I'm ok Kaname, I'm just really happy." "I would say that's enough for one night (Y/N) I will walk you to your dorm." Kaname says to me as he hold out his hand. So i dried my tears and happily walked with him. It was awkwardly quiet just about the whole walk there but i enjoyed it. "Here it is, I can walk myself from here." i told him. "Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm sure" i say as i start walking towards the dorm.

"(Y/N)..Do you want to go on a date tomorrow?" Kaname asks. A big smile grew on my face. "Yes, when? where?" i asked him trying not to scream. "After the night class tomorrow evening, meet me at the gate of the night class dorm." "I will, see you then Kaname."

I walk into the front door of the dorm 'OMG' i have Kaname. I hurried up to my room and got a shower and lied down. I buried my face into my pillow blushing and thinking about Kaname with butterflies trying to take over my stomache. I thought about Kaname until i fell asleep hoping for a good dream about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2019 ⏰

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