Midnight sun movie contest entry :)

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"Thank god" I sighed. I just finished all of my homework for the next two weeks. Most of it was fairly easy since I live in Harlem where The schools aren't really the best. I crept towards my bed and snuggled my face in the sheets, my bed is the only place I feel safe.

~Time Skip 9:00 pm~


"WHAT THE HELL!" I exclaim as I jump out of my warm sanchuary. After ten minutes of trying to find where the sound was coming from I noticed that the sound was coming from my window. I make sure that the window was closed and locked. The sound stopped for a moment. It quickly began to start again.


I  run to the window for the second time, open it, and look down. I quickly notice that someones there.

"Who's there!" I call down. 

"Its me, Noah! I'm in your P.E class." He shouts up

"Why are you here?!" I ask less afraid.

"Come down and I'll tell you!" He shouts again.

"Oh..o.ok" I stuttered out and began climbing down the emergency escape stairs.

"So why are you here?!" I ask agressivly when I finally climbed down.

"Your the only person who's nice to me when I change in the girls locker room." He muttered.

"Oh." I say bluntly

"Do you want to go somewhere?" He asks politly. He quickly grabs my hand and runs towards his car.

"Where are we going!' I say in shock as he started driving.

"My favorite place." Noah claims with an innocent smile.

~Time skip (Noah's favorite place)~

"So, why do you like this park so much?" I asked

"It's the last place I saw my dad." He muttered, looking down. 

"Im so sorry, did he die?" I ask

"Hah! Don't be sorry! He just left when I was 13. I hate him." Noah shrugged

"Heh, at least you had a dad." I whisper 

"Wait...wha." He stutters out

"My dad had a mental breakdown and killed himself when I was four." I say while looking down.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't imagine something like that happening to me." He states as he slid his hand around my waist. Without thinking I smash my lips against his, his lips are soft and they taste like oranges. Noah swiftly pushes me away. 

"Did I do something wrong?!" I ask loudly. 

"No you didn't. It's just.." he stutters out

"It's just what?!" I say, raising an eyebrow. He quickly blushes a bright red and pulls up his shirt to reveal a chest binder.

"I'm trans, I change in the girls locker room because I don't get beat up in there,my name is actually Nora and, My dad left when I came out!" He rambled out quickly. I pull down his shirt, cup his jawline and, give him a peck on the lips.

"Your a beautiful boy" I claim. instead if saying somthing he picks me up, runs to his car and says

"Ready for an adventure?"  

Midnight sun movie contest entryWhere stories live. Discover now