Poptropican Part 1

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A/N: This will be in two parts rather than three because of the story's flow.

I've never actually been to a real convention before, but I've always wanted to go to one. Well, sort of. My leg has been a problem. It sucked up my confidence like a vacuum cleaner. It was hard enough to go to school.

But now I was going to a convention with Fierce Fox with no leg problem. And not just any convention. PoptropiCon. It was a dream come true. I bounced up and down with excitement as we landed on the island. There was a large, grey, stony building - the convention center, the building we needed to enter. Near it were various stalls selling various things. A big, blue sign similar to the ComicCon sign was on the stony walls (obviously, since that's what the island is based on). A lady near a purple and yellow tent offered to teach us about customizing - being a self-proclaimed Poptropica expert, I passed.

"Most of this island is about changing your outfit," I told Fierce Fox. "That's why that lady was telling us about customizing. It's very important."

"Clothes, huh...?" Fierce Fox asked, with a small grin. She wiped it off. "Whatever."

"Come on." I led Fierce Fox to the glass doors. A line of people wearing various costumes was next to us. I think I saw someone dressed as me. That made my skin crawl.

"That's a really good cosplay," a guy wearing a steampunk costume told me. "You look just like the prophesied hero."

"Well, uh, I am the prophesied hero." I replied, feeling slightly awkward. The guy gasped.

"No way!" he shouted. He faced the rest of the que. "Guys! The prophesied hero - the real one - is up here!"

"The prophesied hero?" the lady that tried to tell us about customizing approached us. Her name is Tessa Turncoat. She works for the villain, spoiler alert. She wears blue, starry clothing and a large, blue hat. "Wow! If that's true... you should come in!" She opened the glass doors and amiably gestured at them.

"My friend too?" I asked, jerking my head at Fierce Fox.

"... of course!" Tessa Turncoat replied, her tone slightly forced. She gestured to the door again. "Come on in!" So Fierce Fox and I entered the convention center. It's what you'd expect for a convention center. It has tables with people selling or giving out objects, large statues, posters on the wall, cosplays and so much more. Fierce Fox and I walked along the blue, space-themed carpet, following Tessa Turncoat. She led us to a large, brown table in between Stan Ditko's table - this famous guy who made these popular characters - and this table called Wicked Cool News.

"So, what's happening?" Fierce Fox asked, observing the surroundings. There were a few levels with various people on them doing various things. I was eyeing everything with glee. There were so many bright and captivating things to look at - my inner geek was fangirling too hard. Fierce Fox seemed to be eyeing the costumes.

"You two can walk around until the convention is open," Tessa Turncoat told us. "When it does open, please stay here... for fans."

"We never agreed to this." Fierce Fox grumbled, folding her arms. Tessa Turncoat laughed.

"I know," she replied, biting her lip with an anxious grin. "But since you're here... you won't mind seeing some fans, will you?" I gave Fierce Fox a look. She shrugged.

"We'll do it." I said, feeling mixed emotions tingle my skin.

"Great!" Tessa Turncoat replied. She began walking off, her large hat swaying. "Enjoy yourselves. There's a costume contest on. I think you two should go. I'm sure it'll be... a blast." And then she was gone.

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