Junhi- The Closet

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You walked down the hallway of your school when you heard the very familiar voice of Wen Junhui yelling. You smiled as his voice came closer and closer in range, here we go again, you thought, excited to once again mess with your secret crush-but-not-a-crush. "Hey there fag! How was your weekend? Did you suck any dicks?" You turned the corner and saw Junhui trapping some poor kid against the lockers.

"Oh Junhui get over yourself," you said calmly as you rolled your eyes and walked up to him. "You think you're cool for picking on kids but it's honestly so pathetic." He backed away from the kid, who quickly gathered up all of his things and ran off.

"Excuse me?" Junhui asked and put a hand on his hip.

An idea came to mind and you copied his action, "Speaking of sucking dick," you started as you eyed the crowd that had gathered around you two, "thanks for yesterday. You're better than I thought." You winked,  smirked, and walked away, swaying your hips a bit as you left him behind to deal with the obviously confused crowd.

You had just walked into your first class of the day when you heard heavy footsteps. You turned to the front and saw a red faced Junhui standing in the doorway. "Y/n, get over here. Now!" he exclaimed, making your heart flutter. Oh how you loved it when he got angry at you.

You popped out a hip and raised an eyebrow, "Ooh, fiesty! I like it!" you purred.

"Shut up and get your ass over here!!"

"Gladly," you said as you strutted past him and back into the hallway. God I love teasing him, you thought to yourself and looked back to Junhui, "Now, how may I help you?"

Junhui shoved you then grabbed your collar, "What the fuck was that?" he growled, trying his best to look intimidating.

"What was what, babe?" you asked innocently.

He gripped your collar tighter, "Stop trying to make me look like a fucking fag like you!!!" he exclaimed, only making the grin on your face widen.

"Like me?" you taunted him, "I'm gay?" You blinked your eyes and looked around, "Last time I checked, you were the one who-" You were cut off as Junhui yanked you into a nearby janitors closet.

He let go of you, "Never fucking bring that up! That was three years ago! And besides, it was his fault!!"

"This place is off limits asshole," you said, ignoring him as you fixed your now ruined shirt. "And besides, you were the one who had your hand down his pants." You saw Junhui's face turn bright red before you felt something wet on your mouth. After a few moments, it hit you. Wen Junhui was pretty much making out with you. You smirked into the kiss as you let your hands around him. He responded by grabbing your legs and wrapping them around his waist, pushing you against the wall for support, his mouth still attached to yours. Your boners pressed together, the friction causing both of you to moan silently.

He pulled away once he ran out of breath, "Fuck you..." he muttered, his breath hitting your neck.

"Isn't it going to be the other way around?" you asked and made him put you down, "Not right now of course, meet me at my place after school. You know where I live." You gave him a while before rearranging your hair and pulling your jacket over your new 'problem.'

"Wait!" he stopped you before you walked out, "Why not now?"

You gave him a disgusted look, "You're willing to take someone in a musty janitors closet at a public high school?" you asked, "Gross Junhui, gross."

((This was requested by meow1610, thank you so much, I hope you liked it! Tell me if you want me to change anything!!))

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