Chapter 29

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I'm nervous as I hear the door and go downstairs. What are the bad news Alex has? I haven't really been able to text him back yesterday so I just told him to come over this morning. I barely slept last night. I open the door and there he is, looking flawless again. "Can I come in?", he asks as I look at him with that scared face. We both go upstairs into my room and I'm glad my mum isn't home because I'm not sure how she'd react when she sees Alex. "What's wrong, what are the bad news?", I ask as he sits on my bed. I want to keep standing where I am but he pulls me onto his lap. "What is it?", I repeat. "You know ... last night when I left I drove over to Matt's house to see the others and they were all excited as fuck. I asked them what was going on and they told me we're gonna do a big tour, touring the whole world! We're supporting some really cool bands and we're gonna meet all of them and get to hang out with those bands who we're actually huge fans of. I mean, it's the whole world, we're talkin' Mexico, Australia, South Africa, most of Europe like France, Italy, the UK, Spain, Sweden, all those countries I always wanted to see! Japan, Russia and so many more! Everything! It's amazing!" "But that's so great, where are the bad news?" "We're leaving next week." "What?" "I can't leave you for such a long time, baby..." I realise that he's right. I don't want to lose him for such a long time either. World tour, that's gonna take a while! And I'm scared that he's gonna cheat on me while he's on the road. "I can't stand the thought of you being here and me being on tour. I am serious, it's not possible." "And it's all sure?" "It's all set, Matt has been planning this. He didn't tell us earlier so we don't get our hopes up but he actually booked it all this week so ... it's all ready. We have been dreaming about this since we first started the band. Touring the whole world in one big tour, it's a dream coming true but ... I don't want to leave you." Suddenly tears start running down my eyes. I can't control it, I just cry without wanting it. "Oh, no! Don't cry or I will too!" He pulls me close and I close my eyes, just crying on his shirt but he doesn't mind. "We have no choice but try. It's gonna work." "You think?" "I will not cheat on you if that's what you're afraid of. And we can skype every night, we can talk on the phone before and after every show, text all day! We can do it." "Are you sure? It's probably gonna be tough because we haven't been together for so long." "It's gonna work. I'm sure." "Alright." "Let's spend the whole week together and then we'll make everything work. I knew that would happen eventually, that I'll be on tour." "We can do it." "Exactly, we can do everything." He holds me closer. "Alex?" "Yes?" "Are you leaving before Sunday?" "We're leaving on Sunday." "Oh, okay." "Why?" "Because ... my graduation is on Sunday." "When?" "Starting in the morning and then after everyone like celebrated with friends or family, the prom's at night." "Prom? God, I would've loved to take you to your prom." I look down and say nothing. "You're still going, right?", he asks. I didn't expect him to even go with me just because he would've been recognized by some people. I shake my head. "Why not?" "Because I don't want to go alone or with some guy I don't even like as my date." "But..." "I'm not going." He presses his lips together. "But I'm coming to your graduation, alright?" "You don't have to, I was just wondering." "I'll defnitely be there."

The day of graduation is also the last day of Alex being there for a long time and the day comes fast. Too fast, to be honest. Without even noticing how quickly the time passed, I find myself standing on stage, taking my certificate and looking down to the families and friends of everyone. In the middle I see my parents and my grandma. My uncle and his girlfriend, my aunt with my little cousin. And next to them all is Alex. He smiles at me and I feel so great because he's here. He's wearing not so cool clothes today and some black sunglasses with a hat so really no one recognizes him because some of the others might know who he is.

After the little party at our house, I try to make everyone leave as early as possible. Not even Anna could make me go to prom later. Joel even offered me to be my date just so I wouldn't have to go alone but I didn't want him to feel like he has to. As everyone is gone, I drive to the bus with Alex that is parked in front of Matt's house. He smiles as he sees us. I spot Rian and Jack and they walk up to Alex and me, greeting us with high fives. In the back I see Zack and his girlfriend talking. Of course she's sad too. "Sarah, can I talk to you for a second?", Rian asks me. I nod and follow him to the side. "What is it?", I ask. "I just wanted to tell you that you don't need to be worried about Alex. He changed and he's not gonna do anything with groupies or any other girl. He really loves you. He will not do anything and if he dares to, I'll tell you and I'll kick his ass. Okay?" I almost cry because he's so sweet. I'm also gonna miss him so much! "Thank you so much", I say desperately. "Don't cry", he whispers. "Seriously. We'll take care of him, when we get back you can go on being the cheesy couple again." I laugh. Then we go back to the others. They all get on the bus after I hugged them all goodbye. I see Zack and his girlfriend standing at the door, kissing. Alex looks at me. "I will miss you so fucking much", he says and bites his lip frustratedly. "I'll miss you." "I promise you, I'll be faithful. You can trust me." "Thanks." "And you?" "I'd never cheat!", I reply fastly. I can't believe that he's actually scared of me cheating. Please, who'd want me? "I love you, beautiful." "I love you too." He kisses me hard, passionately. I mess up his hair and feel him come closer. He tangles my legs around his waist and turns us around, pressing me against the bus. I don't want him to leave. I need him. His hands run under my shirt and I quitely moan. "Tell me to stay", he pleads. "I can't, I know that you want to go." He kisses me again, even harder and holding me even closer so I won't fall down. "Come on, we need to go, Alex!", I hear from far away. Alex doesn't think about stopping, he's determined to make this moment last forever. But eventually I let go of him and stand back on my feet. "I love you, Sarah", he says again. I can't speak. I sigh and smile as I watch him go to the door of the bus. He waves at me, then closes his eyes. He gets on the bus and they close the door. I can't believe it. Alex just cried, I saw Alex cry. And I start crying too as the bus starts. At the end of the road I see Zack's girlfriend that I never met before. But she's as desperate as I am. I walk into her direction and also see her coming towards me. She's crying too. As we reach eachother we hug because we feel the same pain.

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