An Unfortunate Event

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Nothing felt the same after that night. Cedany was numb and alone. She was in and out of consciousness for three days waking up for only a few mere minutes before being swallowed back into the darkness of sleep.

The room was dark and gloomy and the air heavy on her chest when she woke for the first real time in days. Cedany was groggy and her head hurt, she so badly wanted to go back to sleep but the memories washed over her. The screams, they echoed in her ears and the smell of gunpowder strong in her nose. Sadon's dead body dripping cold lifeless blood, his skin even paler than usual, and the image burned itself in to her memory. Her heart panicked, stopping and starting, she had begun to hyperventilate and her body was not responding. She let out a scream and tears seemed to flow with no end. Someone had come to her side and whispered calming things in her ears. She could not tell who was by her side just that the presence was familiar and comforting.

"Cedany, you are okay. Please breathe!" The person would say she heard them a couple of times have their voice break with strain. They always seemed to sound worried when they whispered things to her. As if, they were going to lose something important to them.

Then it all stopped. The panic, the hard time breathing, it all stopped. She felt the burden being lifted off her like a Mother's touch. She opened her eyes and Rowan was mere inches from her face.

"Hey." He said with a smile on his face. His brown hair dangling in his eyes but could not hide the euphoria that shined through. His smile seemed to brighten the dark room where the windows were covered in dark fabric and the fire's glow only embers.

"Hey." Cedany replied happy to see a familiar face by her side. The anger in her subsided and she was no longer mad at him. She was glad he was still alive and he had been there to comfort her. "Ouch..." She said as she tried to push herself into a sitting position. It was her hand it hurt and was numb. She gave up and lay back down on the bed.

"Here let me help you." Rowan said sliding his hands under her back helping her sit up. What he was doing was improper and Cedany could not hide the electric current that tingled through her body from creeping onto her cheeks. He smelled of pine and something that Cedany could not name.

"Thank you Rowan," Cedany said reaching for the water but stopped and turned to look at him. "What happened that night?" Rowan looked as if he was expecting the question to come up. He fidgeted in his seat and was saved from answering when the dark wooden door creaked open. It was Sarabeta and Letholdus, both carrying trays. Letholdus carried a tray of food and Sarabeta of medical supplies.

"Cedany..." Letholdus started but Cedany quieted him by holding out her arms. Her heart wanted to break for the boy. He came to her arms and wrapped himself around her, inhaling her comforting sent.

"You're okay. I know you are hurting but Letholdus, you are not alone." She whispered before releasing him. His eyes were filled with water but he did not shed a single tear. He nodded before getting up and walking away, leaving the room.

Rowan was no longer by her bedside but facing Sarabeta as she was changing the stitches where he had cut his arm. The area around the cut was black and blue and the stitches made in look gruesome.

"Thank you Sarabeta." Rowan said after she placed the bandage around his arm. She turned to Cedany and placed a hand on her head.

"Are you okay deary?" She asked quietly. Her eyes filled with worry and bags seemed to form under her eyes.

"As much as I can be, for now. How are the children?" Cedany ask worried about the younger children. She remembered the three bodies and young Perenelle. It made her blood run cold and she began to hate herself. The men that attacked last night were there for her and she endangered the children. It was her fault that they were dead, they were defenseless children who had no idea what was happening.

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