~Chapter 1- A Little Sunflower in the Snow~

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Author Note: Hello Poppets,

Read my previous note please before attacking me.


Wondering through a snowy afternoon in Moscow, a small abandoned child about the age of five. Homeless. Unloved. Has been looking all over Europe for a place to call home. Trying to find their parents who has ditched them at an adoption centre which was now burnt down to the ground. Forgotten. Now, they were looking for a place to peacefully die at this point in time.

This child has walked their way around Europe. Eating out of the trash or even stole food from parties. They have no idea what country they have wondered into but they knew one thing. This was the coldest winter they have ever gone through and they know one thing. They weren't going to survive this winter.

Walking through the snow with small crunches underneath their feet and their view becoming blurry has they were crying since these would be their last moments knowing what it's like to not feel loved by anyone. No even their own parents who have brought them into this world to begin with. With hands turning blue, their small puffs of air slowing down, and alone with their heart rate.

Walking aimlessly through a random street, the child keeps walking trying to find a safe haven and away out of this snow fall. When a park came into view. A park, a place where children in happy families come to play at. Only today, there was no kids playing and no adults around. (Y/N) walked threw the park until they saw a willow tree. The tree look majestic within the snow as it's leaves were touching the ground. So when (Y/n) gotten cover the cold wind and snow was no longer coming at them. The child knew this will be their last resting place as the seek comfort from the tree. Laying at it's trunk. Looking up into the leaves above as they let out a sob.

"I wish, I had a home with loving parents. At least someone to love me and to care for me." They spoke so softly. And with that, (y/n's body started to shut down and the child close their eyes now accepting their fate. Accepting death to come take them somewhere warm and hopefully someone to love them.

The next thing (y/n) heard before slipping to unconsciousness was crunches of snow and leaves moving. With a voice that sounded like a man. (Y/n) had no idea what they said only that they have accepted the cold and the darkness that came with it.

~No one's point of view~

A tall Russian man with innocent violet eyes with a smile on his face that will make anyone scared of him even though he tries his best to be friendly. It looks like fate brought him there for a reason.

~The Tall figures point of view~

Today was just like any other day in my country. Only the minus is my little sister wasn't chasing me down. So... I pretty good day with snow as well. I didn't mind this time of the year when the snow started to fall but I still felt only. Even in my big house. I miss everyone but they are either too scared of me or wants to marry me.

Anyways, I took a different route today and I notice in the distance a small figure walking up to the willow tree that was station in the middle of the park. So with a bit of curiosity, I decided to see what is going on. As small as that figure was, it had to be a child and a child should be at home with their parents.

As I walk closer to the figure, this little one had to be no more that 4. 5 if they were smaller built. I took notice that their skin was ghostly white, and their eyes closed and their fingers almost blue.

I have seen people die over the years. Even children and it pains me to see them like this. So helpless. So defenceless against the harsh cruel world. It reminds me of my childhood. Alone. Unwanted. Unloved. Only wanting me and my riches. Only one thing that is different about now and the past experience something within me wanted to help this little one. It's that I want to help them. Which... I am going to do.

"Hey little one! Are you okay? Where are your parents?" I called in my mother tongue (I AM NOT WRITING IN RUSSIAN! Then giving you the translation). However, I heard nothing.

Seeing I wasn't getting a responds so I quickly walked up to the Willow tree where the child was to make out the gender which was female. A little girl. All alone in the winter. With no parents around.

I took off my gloves to check if I could get a pulse of some sort from the little Sunflower. Which I did! I quickly took off my military coat, and I placed the small sunflower inside of it. As I don't need a jacket as the cold didn't bother me anyways. Especially the Russian winters.

I decided to quickly run back to the house, to see if I could save the little sunflower and maybe I can find her a home so she will feel loved. Unless she felt like staying with me so I wouldn't be alone too. Especially, when the Baltics go back home. Their bosses have forced them to spend time with me. Which I knew they didn't so I made them do random things around my home so they didn't need to be in my presences.

Before I knew it, I arrived home, to see Lithuania in the driveway shovelling out of the snow so the cars can be in use. Latvia was coming out of the house to give Lithuania something warm to drink.

They both saw me and quickly ran to opened the house door so that I could get inside as soon as possible with the little sunflower in my arms. Estonia came out of the kitchen to see what all the ruckus was about until he saw me and decided it was best for him to be out of the room.

I ordered; Estonia to heat up the water and put it in a bowl with towels, Latvia to bring me some blankets and lastly Lithuania to get the first aid. Which was done quicker than the Flash and all of them are now waiting at the door of the guest room where I put the small child in. I hope this will work.

I ordered Lithuania to help me to get the little sunflower better and asked Estonia to bring in the heart monitor in so I can be reassured that she will be fine. Latvia asked what he can do and I asked him to keep supplying hot towels.

I just hope this works because I believe this child was destined to be found by me.

Estonia brought in the heart monitor and attached it to the little girl while Latvia came and went with a resupply of warm towels. Which I hope this works because I feel like this little girl deserves to live again and with a better life this time.

This child will become my Little Sunflower in the Snow if she lives for another day than it would be a different story.


Author note: I wrote this chapter while procrastinating my business law assignment for university. Anyways, lovely, see you in the next chapter. Also, I hope you enjoy my new writing style and I hope you enjoy the story.

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