Be Prepared.

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*hey so this is my first work, don't judge if its bad or not XD*

Today's the day. Today's the day. Today's the day. I repeat it to myself three more times, but  yet, it still hasn't sunk in that today is the first day of eternal hell. The first day that I may or may not die. The first day that everything I've got is tested to the limits.

Today is the first day of band camp.

Ugh it just doesn't seem real that band camp actually starts today... Where the hell did this summer go? Actually I know exactly where it went. It went to long dreary days and nights filled with endless hours of binge Netflix watching. What am I doing with my life...

My name is Stefania Sabrina Stephens, but everyone just calls me Stef. Thanks to my hippie parents, I have the dumbest name ever. Really, you thought SSS for initals was a good idea!? I got beat up countless times in middle school for that.

Anyways, I'm a 17 year old Junior at West County High School down here in Florida. You would think for a 5'5'' ginger/blonde hair, blue eyes girl like me life would be easy, right? Well newsflash, that's only what it's like in the movies. See what the movie producers fail to tell you is that your high school status is not dependant on looks. I am one of the most least popular girls in school, just because I'm in the music department. Sure if I joined the field hockey and lacrosse teams life would be perfect for me, but that's not who I am.  I am the girl who sings in chorus, does musicals, and (my favorite thing to do) spin flags in the color guard. As you can see, life isn't all that easy.

Like I mentioned before, my parents are pretty hippie. Let's just say the 1960s came and went, but stuck with them. And trust me, when I say pretty hippie, I'm not over exaggerating. Volkswagon Bus, shag carpeting, peace signs, and weed. ESPECIALLY the weed. It's not that fun, but it has its perks, i guess. My mother's name was orignally Susan Landry, but since her so called "epiphony of life", she changed it to Rainbow Dancer Stephens. Yes, that is what she decided to call herself, no lie. I just tell everyone to call her Sue. Also, there's my father. He is a little less extravegantly named with Filmore Lennon Stephens. Although his name be a little more basic than my mothers, doesn't mean he's any less hippie. Smokes weed like there's no tomorrow. I try to make sure to keep them away from my parents. Hey, at least their lax on the rules.

Just as I'm about to get dressed in my band camp attire (also known as the show shirt from last year, shorts, and jazz shoes), my mother comes bursting through the door. She starts to dance around my room chanting, "Today is the day, Stefania! Today is when you sell your soul to the guardians!"

"What the hell are you talking about, Mom?" I ask her.

"It's the first day of band camp of course! You have to look great and refreshed. Would you like a fixing?" She asks me.

"Mom, I'd rather not get kicked out  of guard the first day due to YOUR constant cravings for pot. Go back to bed, I have a car. I'm driving myself." That might have come off harsher than it should have but it was the truth. 

"Okay! Whatever your heart desires! Your father and I are taking a two week long trip to Colorado so the house is all yours. Love you and have fun today!" My mother is a little psycho.

Thank God they're leaving. I need some alone time, and plus I want to throw a band party. More like a low key rager with sexually awkward band geeks. Oh well, at least they're leaving the stash. 

Alright, I think I'm ready to leave. I'm not prepared for this. This is my third band camp and is the least I've ever been excited for it, Eh, fuck it. I take one last look at my nice comfy bed and sigh. You can get through this. 

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